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Nebrask a State Gazetteer,
Business Directory and Farmers List
for 1890-1891


Business (town) listings (under construction)

Arcadia  Geranium  Manderson




      Arcadia is a flourishing town in the southwestern part of Valley county, and it is the present terminus of the branch of the B. & M. R. R. from Aurora via Palmer and projected to Brewster, in Blaine county. It is 13 miles from Loup city, and has 700 inhabitants. Arcadia controls the trade of Hays Creek Valley and that of the rich Lee Park country, to which it has access by means of a fine bridge over the Loup river. A school house has been built, costing $4,000. A Methodist church was built two years ago, and a Congregational church has just been completed, costing $3,000. Among the commercial and industrial enterprises are a tannery, a roller mill, elevators, two banks, a brick manufacturer and a newspaper, the Arcadia Courier. A sugar and molasses factory is to be started with sixty days. It will be operated in connection with the roller mill.

Arcadia Courier, O D Crane editor.
Arcadia Lumber Co, Herman E Curtis mgr.
Arcadia Roller Mills, J G Schaupp prop.
Bailey L A, drugs.
Baker G C, drugs.
Bartoo G H, sta agt B & M R R.
Beagle George, live stock.
Bottsford Frank, barber.
Brown George, carpenter.



Christian Peter, agl implts.
Commercial Hotel, Mrs. A S May prop.
Corey J G, justice.
Crane & Daggett, brick mfrs.
Crane O D, editor Arcadia Courier.
Darling A M, genl mdse.
Everett R M, carpenter.
First Bank of Arcadia, capital $50,000, A P Cully pres, J R Lombard vice-pres, Eustice Smallwood cashier.
Fleisher John F, veterinary surgeon.
Flood Bros, restaurant.
Fries Martin L, lumber.
Fugate M A & Co, hardware.
Fuller Eliza Mrs, Millinery, dry goods.
Fuller & Hastings, poultry, ice.
Gardner, E T. hardware, surveyor.
Hackett J F, physician.
Hastings M, confectionery.
Hawkins Wm Jr, physician.
Higgins E M, G S Minch mgr, grain.
Himes, James, blacksmith.
Houder, George B, agl implts.
Jaeger & Schaedla, genl mdse.
Jamieson A Benj, saloon.
Kier S J, shoemaker.
Landers Calvin, genl mdse.
Lee D R, physician.
Leeper D J, variety store.
Lennox & Harrison, live stock, grain.
Lovgreen & Wilkinson, boots and shoes.
McKeller Wm L. billards.
Mason N D Mrs, dressmaker.
May A S Mrs. prop Commercial Hotel.
Minch G S, mgr E M Higgins.
Oberg Nels P, blacksmith.
Owen W S, harnessmaker.
Penepacker Samuel S, attorney at law, loan and real estate broker.
Phair R W, live stock.
Reed Cornelius, livery.
Reed Isaac, horse breeder.
Rettenmayer Charles O., gen mdse.
Reynolds Isabel, Mrs, postmaster.
Reynolds W B, real estate, insurance.
Ring George W livery.
Rosseter C S, jeweler.
Round G S, milinery.
Rounds P W, livery.
Scott Robert M, real estate.
State Bank of Arcadia, authorized capital. $50,000, S H Burnham pres. W H Whitcomb vice-pres, E T Garland cashier.
Stedwell J Mrs, boarding.
Storing C & Co, meat market.
Thompson George, carpenter.
Van Alstine W jr, live stock, justice.
Van Dike Bros, photographers.
Waggoner H H, furniture.
Wall John, atty, notary.
Warren C A, tanner.

page 189

   Geranium, a postoffice in the western part of Valley county, eight miles west of Ord, the judicial seat.

Polock Jos, blacksmith.
Wheeler J S, justice.
Wolf J G, blacksmith, postmaster


page 288 by John & Len Davis

   Manderson, a postoffice in the western part of Valley county, 11 miles from Ord, the county seat. It has a population of about 30.

Rhoades Henry F, postmaster.
Truitt Geo B, justice.

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