Business Directory and Farmer list

for 1890-1891

Omaha: J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.

Valley County NE

Elyria is a village in the northern part of Valley county. It is a station on the branch of the B. & M. R. R., from Palmer to Burwell, and is eight miles from Ord, the county town, and has a population of 25.
Bissell T, live stock
Dillabaugh Alonzo, genl mdse, postmaster.
Jacques C M, grain
Johnson Jacob, blacksmith
Powell J H, sta agt B & M R R.
Smith F E, livestock

Mira Creek, a post office in the southeastern part of Valley county, eight miles south of Ord, the county seat.
Bell Marion, dressmaker
Mickelwait J W, justice
Ward A, postmaster, justice

North Loup is in the southeastern part of Valley county, at the junction of the North Loup and Myra valleys, and on the Grand Island & Ord branch of the U. P. Ry., of which it was formerly the terminus. The population is about 600. It is a shipping point for vast quantities of grain and produce. Large numbers of cattle and hogs are sent from here yearly. Two elevators are taxed in providing storage facilities. The town has a fine school building which cost $5000, good hotels and excellent church buildings. A cheese factory is in operation. The Loup Valley Bank has a capital of $30,000. The Loyalist is the weekly newspaper. The various religious bodies having churches here are Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Seventh Day Baptists and German Lutheran.
Arlington Hotel, J McCalib prop.
Babcock & Babcock, real estate.
Babcock E J, atty.
Babcock N W, carpenter.
Babcock Oscar, postmaster.
Badger Chas, phys.
Ballard & Brown, hardware, seeds.
Barstow & Badger, C Watson mgr, grain.
Bee N Mrs, millinery.
Billings W, painter.
Black E W, pub The Loyalist.
Brace M A Mrs, Millinery.
Bratton & Dunn, genl mdse.
Burdick H L, jewelry.
Clements Benjamin, carpenter.
Colby H N, carpenter.
Crandall G J Rev, pastor Seventh Day Baptist church.
Crandall Henry F, carpenter.
Crawford Geo W, city marshal.
Curry Edward, pumps, windmills.
Davis A J, harnessmaker.
Davis H E, furniture.
Davis H S, livery.
Davis L S, prop Rural House.
East Thomas, photographer.
Everingim W P, cattle breeder.
Fields W S Rev, pastor M E church
Gilman F L, dentist.
Goodrich Bros, drugs.
Gowen Bros, meat market, livery.
Gowen John B, justice, ins.
Hamer Thos, blacksmity.
Hibbard W L, mgr North Loup Cheese Factory.
Jansz John, phys.
Johnson G E, mgr Omaha Elevator Co, coal and live stock.
Loup Valley Bank, capital $30,000, John L Sears pres, S S Smith vice-pres, E S Sears cashier, Geo W Smith asst cashier.
Loyalist (The), E W Black pub.
McCalib J, prop Arlington Hotel.
McCalib Marion, barber.
McClellan Saml, live stock.
McLoud & Curry, real estate, loans.
May A A, sta agt U P Ry.
Mulligan W, veterinery surgeon.
North Loup Cheese Factory, W L Hibbard mgr.
North Loup Lumber Co, J W Werner mgr.
Omaha Elevator Co, Geo E Johnson mgr, grain.
Palmer R H, phys.
Potter O S, genl mdse, furniture.
Powell G P, sewing machines
Reynolds E H Mrs. confectionery.
Rural House, L S Davis prop.
Sears Jno L, city treas.
Seymore Bennett, surgeon, notary.
Shirley H B, phys.
Small Geo R, produce.
Smith Bros, real estate, ins.
Spethmann D, blacksmith.
Temple J W, genl mdse.
Walker & Burdick, groceries.
Watson C, mgr Barstow & Badger.
Watson & Stone, livery.
Wellmann M A, genl mdse.
Werner J W, mgr North Loup Lumber Co.
Williams Henry G, Laundry.
Wilson Port, shoemaker.

Ord, the county seat of Valley county, is the terminus of the Grand Island branch of the U. P. Ry. It is also on the Central City and Burwell branch of the B. & M. R. R. Conspicuous among the many buildings lately erected is that occupied by the Ord National Bank, a brick, two-story building, designed for hotel and banking purposes. The territory from which the town draws its trade is a great grain producing countyr, The Myra valley on the west being just regarded as containing farming land unexcelled for fertility. It is also noted for its picturesque scenery. The public buildings and churches are creditable. A large flouring mill has recently been built and is now running to its fullest capacity; two National banks, each having capital of $50,000, three newspapers and two hotels are evidently doing a large business. The extensive operations of the Farmers Trust Co. give important financial aid in the developement of the surrounding country. The population is 1,500 and the prospects encouraging for a sufficient increase in business to make it one of the most important cities of north Nebraska. The churches are the Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist and Episcopal. The A. F. & A. M., K. of P and I. O. O. F. have lodges here. The Ord Democrat, the Ord Weekly Quiz and the Nebraska Blizzard are the enterprising newspapers.
Ager F J, coal.
Barnes C W, barber.
Barstow Bros. grain.
Barta Frank, tailor.
Bickford F D, phys.
Bogue C H & Co, H T Prentiss Mgr, Lumber, coal.
Booth O J Rev, pastor Episcopal
Brandt A V, city transfer. [church.
Briggs H C Mrs, millinery.
Brown H W, laundry.
Capron E S, ins.
Carson & Bailey, genl mdse.
Cass F W, restaurant, confectionery
Cernick Joseph, merchant tailor.
Cissell C E, restaurant.
Clayton R H, painter.
Clements E J, atty.
Clements Bros, real estate and loans.
Coffins C B, jewelry.
Coffin c E, phys.
Coffin E M, atty.
Coffin M J, carpenter.
Colby James F, plumber, pumps, windmills, agl implts.
Coombs M, real estate.
Coon F C, phys.
Cramer W E, phys.
Daniels A M, furniture.
Dowling Chas, groceries,
Dworak F J & Bros, genl mdes.
Farmer S J, shoemaker.
Farmers Trust Co (Sioux City, Ia), C C King mgr for Nebraska. (See adv top of page.)
Ferguson F C, justice.
Ferguson & Stacy, farm loans.
Ferguson Z K & Son, feed stable.
First National Bank, capital $50,000, P Mortensen pres, H A Babcock vice-pres, W E Mitchell cashier, E N Mitchell asst cashier.
Fogth E J, hardware.
French M, mgr Ord Lumber Co.
Grd David A, prop Transit House.
Getter & Stacy, real estate.
Haldeman F D, phys.
Harris C L, carpenter.
Harrison & Irish. pumps, windmills.
Haskell O S, ed Nebraska Blizzard.
Haskell O S & Co, real estate.
Haskell W W, postmaster, pub Ord Weekly Quiz.
Haworth & Dutro, carpenters.
Heddle J C, real estate.
Heuck Detlef, soda water mfr.
Hewett F E, blacksmity.
Hotel America, D W McCord prop.
Jackson A W, ed and pub Ord Democrat.
Jaques C M, grain.
Johnson Bros, grain.
Jorgensen S K, merchant tailor.
King C C, mgr for Nebraska Farmers Trust Co (Sioux City, Ia). (See adv page 435.)
Klinker J M, phys.
Knecht George, prop Ord City House, groceries.
Koupal John, boots, shoes.
Larsen Carl, genl mdse.
Latham J F, books, notions.
Leach C A, station agt B & M R R.
Lloyd Bros, confectionery.
McCarthy W S, station agt U P Ry.
McCord D W, prop Hotel America.
McCord H C, boots and shoes.
McDonough Bros, livery.
McDonough J L & Co, live stock.
Mallory & Herring, dry goods.
Mattson Simon H, groceries.
Milford G W, dry goods, etc.
Misko Frank, harnessmaker.
Moore Israel, jewelry.
Mortensen & Capron, real estate, ab-
Munn C A, atty. [stracts.
Nash Charles E, restaurant.
Nebraska Blizzard, O S Haskell ed.
Nelson C W, barber.
Nelson H W, wagonmaker.
Norman A, atty.
Novothy Joseph & Co, farm machinery.
Ogden & Sharpe, hardware.
Ord Building & Loan Assn, J H Capron sec.
Ord Butter & Cheese Factory, R H Clayton sec.
Ord City House, G Knecht prop.
Ord City Roller Mills, W C Williams & Co props.
Ord Democrat, A W Jackson ed and pub.
Ord Lumber co, M French mgr, lumber and coal.
Ord National Bank, capital $50,000, Fred L Harris pres, John F Baron cahsire.
Ord Weekly Quiz, W W Haskell pub.
Ovington Samuel, tinsmith.
Paist C E, genl mdse.
Palmer C W Rev, pastor Baptist church.
Parks & Munn, live stock.
Patty W R & Co, drugs.
Pavick Michael, feed stable.
Pearce T G Rev, pastor Presbyterian church.
Perry Henry C, phys.
Perry J W & Co, grain.
Petrasek John, wagonmaker.
Pratt S A, blacksmith.
Prentice Warren, wagonmaker.
Prentiss H T, mgr c H Bogue & Co.
Provins James M, justice, atty.
Rashaw O C, meat market.
Reithardt Henry R, meat market.
Robbins & Babcock, attys.
Rogers & Ollis, live stock.
Saunders Robert, loans.
Schaefer & Beran, real estate.
Schaefer & Kokes, drugs.
Schwaner H J, well digger.
Severson Ole, painter.
Showers M A, horse breeder.
Smith E Rev, pastor M E church.
Smith M Mrs, laundry.
Sorensen H C, agl implts, hardware.
Stacy Samuel A, notary.
Stara A B & Co, billiards, cigar mfrs.
Stara F J & Co, meat market.
Stone G Mrs, carpet weaver.
Stover G H, dry goods, boots, shoes.
Taylor Lewis, restaurant.
Taylor Wm & Son, broom mfrs.
Transit House, D A Gard prop.
Trindle T M & Co, livery.
Wampole A, gunsmith.
Waters T S, harnessmaker.
Watson W A, barber.
Way C F, live stock.
May Typewriter Co (The), mfrs typewriters.
Waynick Joseph B, phys.
Weaver F W, hardware.
Wentworth C W, carpenter.
Westberg H G, photographer.
Westover & Stone, attys.
Williams D M Miss, dressmaking.
Williams W C & Co, prop Ord City Roller Mills.
Wisda b Mrs, bakery.
Wolf L J Mrs, millinery.
Work J c, blacksmith.
Zabloudil John, saloon.

Yale, a postoffice in the southwestern part of Valley county, 16 miles southwest of Ord, the county seat.



Ord--County Seat.

Adamok Frank, Sedlov.
Adams A S, Elyria.
Adams Taylor, Manderson.
Ademski Antione, Yale
Agaard James, Ord.
Akers K N, North Loup.
Alleshouse I, Manderson.
Alter W D, North Loup.
Alvord Jasper, Ord.
Anderson L R, Elyria.
Anderson Nels, Ord.
Anderson S U, Arcadia.
Anderson W A, Ord.
Applegarth R G, Nth Loup.
Armstrong W, North Loup.
Arnold James H, Ord.
Arnold S D, Ord.
Arnold S E, Ord.
Auble W L D, Ord.
Ayers C M, North Loup.
Ayers J M, Ord.
Bailey D D, Manderson.
Bailey H H jr, Ord.
Bailey H H sr, Ord.
Bailey Jackson Manderson.
Bailey Jas D, Ord.
Bailey Bros, Ord.
Bailey S E, Arcadia.
Baker G C, Arcadia.
Baker M W, Ord.
Baker William, Elyria.
Bank John, Geranium.
Bankson John, Ord.
Barber C H, North Loup.
Bard O G, Elyria.
Barker C E. North Loup.
Barker F A, North Loup.
Barker J W, North Loup.
Barker T O, North Loup.
Barnes Williams, Elyria.
Barnhart C L, North Loup.
Barn hart D, North Loup.
Barnhart W D, North Loup.
Barr H W, Ord.
Barta Jos, Manderson.
Bartoo G H, Arcadia.
Bartooshak Peter, Elyria.
Bartz Frederick, North Loup.
Beagle George, Arcadia.
Beard J M, Arcadia.
Beauchamp G R, Ord.
Beauchamp J S, Elyria.
Beauchamp P R, Elyria.
Beckelhymer I, North Loup.
Beckwith J D, North Loup.
Beebe W T, Ord.
Behn Geo, Ord.
Behrie Jacob, Ord.
Belker W M, Sedlov.
Bell A W, Mira Creek.
Bell John jr, Mira Creek.
Bell John sr, Mira Creek.
Benda Frank, Geranium.
Benda Jan, Geranium.
Bennett E M, North Loup.
Bennett J J, Arcadia.
Bennett Warren, Arcadia.
Benson Jacob, Ord
Beottger Conrad, Mira Creek
Beran Gregory, Sedlov.
Bickford O S, Elyria.
Bickford J J, North Loup.
Bissell Charles, Elyria.
Bissell Thompson, Elyria.
Black James, Ord.
Black R W, Ord.
Blakslee C U, Yale.
Blessing Lorenzo, Geranium
Boardway L, Arcadia.
Boaz Wm, Elyria.
Boddy J J, Yale.
Bohannon Sam, Ord.
Bohart C W, Manderson.
Bosson H A, Ord.
Bottsford Frank, Arcadia.
Bouda A R, Ord.
Bouda Frank, Ord.
Bouda Mary, Ord.
Bowen J E, Elyria.
Bower Rubert, Sedlov.
Bower Sophia, Sedlov.
Boyce W R, Arcadia.
Brace E J, North Loup.
Brace S C, Ord.
Brady C C, Geranium.
Braden H A, Arcadia.
Braden J D, Arcadia.
Braden J D, Yale.
Braden W H, Arcadia.
Bran August, North Loup.
Breadthower Wm, Ord.
Bremer John, Mira Creek.
Brenly, Eldridge, Geranium.
Brenly Joseph, Geranium.
Brenneck John, North Loup.
Brennick Henry, North Loup
Bresla J E, Ord.
Brickner T M, Ord.
Bright Wm R, Ord.
Britt William, North Loup.
Brockus J U, Elyria.
Bronson O H, Ord.
Bronson R J, Ord.
Brower J B, Ord.
Brower William, Ord.
Brown D E, Manderson.
Brown G S, Yale.
Brown G. W, Arcadia.
Brown Isaac J, Yale
Brown J A, Manderson.
Brown JP, Yale.
Bruha Joseph, Sedlov.
Brush A E, Yale.
Buchanan L, Ord.
Buckman E L, North Loup.
Buclibes M, Geranium.
Buel Early, Ord.
Burdick A H, Ord.
Burdick R, Ord.
Burdick W E, Manderson,.
Burke Timothy, Geranium.
Burnas C W, Ord.
Burris Wm, Ord.
Burrows C W, Ord.
Burrows J S, Mira Creek.
Burrows S P, Ord.
Burson H Z, Ord.
Busse C, Mira Creek.
Bussell H U, Ord.
Bussell J S, Ord.
Butcher C, Arcadia.
Butts Mrs M A, Burwell.
Byington Geo, Mira Creek.
Byington L S, Mira Creek.
Cadek Vaciav, Geranium.
Carcoski John, Elyria.
Carey S A, North Loup.
Carlett C E, Ord.
Carlo Mark, Ord.
Carner James, Yale.
Carrier A S, North Loup.
Carson J S, Mira Creek.


Carson P V, Mira Creek.
Carson W H, Mira Creek.
Sasier W B, Elyria.
Cassidy John, Manderson.
Cech John jr, Sedlov.
Cech John sr, Sedlov.
Cechon John, Geranium.
Cepleha Katherine, Sedlov.
Cernik Karel, Geranium.
Chaffee L M, Yale.
Chase H A, North Loup.
*Coesak Chas, Geranium.
Chimney Stephen, Sedlov.
Christensen L C, Elyria.
Christian Peter, Arcadia.
Christian Peter, Ord.
Christianson C, Ord.
Clark A S, Ord.
Clark D L, Arcadia.
Clark Geo W, Ord.
Clark J H, North Loup.
Clark R J, Ord.
Clark W H, Ord.
Clayton R H, Ord.
Clement Fred, Ord.
Clement H, Ord.
Clement Hans, Ord.
Clement Lud, Ord.
Clement M E, Mira Creek.
Cleveland W A, Mira Creek.
Cole Chas, Ord.
Cole Phidelia, Ord.
Coleman H, Mira Creek.
Coleman Geo, Ord.
Coleman Jacob, Mira Creek.
Coleman R L, Ord.
Collins M S, Ord.
Collins Rufus, Ord.
Collins W G, North Loup.
Connely A, Geranium.
Collins M S, Ord.
Collins Rufus, Ord.
Collins W G, North Loup.
Connely A, Geranium.
Conner S P, Yale.
Connor Stillwell, Ord.
Cook O W, Arcadia.
Cool V J, Yale.
Coombs A G, Arcadia.
Coombs O D, Arcadia.
Coon J L, Elyria.
Coon W D, Elyria.
Coonrod A M, Ord.
Cooper M W, Ord.
Coplen Lau, North Loup.
Cornell A W, Ord.
Cornell Daniel, Elyria.
Cotrell Clark, Mira Creek.
Cox C E, Ord.
Cox G S, Ord.
Crandall A L, North Loup.
Crandall C E, North Loup.
Crandall H F, North Loup.
Crandall K P, North Loup.
Crawford G H, Ord.
Cress A E, North Loup.
Cross, J P, Yale.
Cromwell, C H, Mira Creek.
Cronk J H, Ord.
Cronk W H, Ord.
Cronk W H jr, Ord.
Crouch J F, Ord.
Crow J S, Ord.
Cruikshank Jas, Yale.
Cummins C P, Ord.
Cummins Geo, Ord.
Cummins G L, Mnderson.
Cunningham Frank, Ord.
Cunningham L B, Ord.
Currier R H, Ord.
Curtis E, Arcadia.
Daggett H P, Ord.
Dahl P N, Arcadia.
Daily Patrick, Ord.
Danzak Laurance, Ord.
Daniels Samuel, Mira Creek.
Dark A J, Ord.
David D W, Arcadia.
Davis E E, North Loup.
Davis H E, North Loup.
Davis J A, Ord.
Davis Joe, Sedlov.
Denton Fanny, Ord.
Deringer R G. Ord.
Derringer R F, Ord.
Desel J F, Mira Creek
Dewey E, Arcadia.
Dillabaugh A, Elyria.
Dirkee Maria, Sedlov.
Dirkee Thos, Sedlov.
Divine Fred, Ord.
Divine P H, Ord.
Dodge Bros, Elyria.
Dohual Louis, Sedlov.
Doman Charles, North Loup
Doman Oliver, North Loup.
Donnell E, Arcadia.
Doolittle Jotham, Manchester
Doubleday J W, Mira Creek.
Dougherty Fred, Ord.
Dowhower Fred, Ord.
Drake Ellsworth, Ord.
Drake James P, Ord.
Drake J E, Ord.
Drake Susana, Ord.
Duban John C, Geranium.
Duby Millard F, Elyria.
DuMond S G, Ord
Dunford C F, North Loup.
Dunlap Porter M, Manchester.
Dunlap W D, Manchester.
Duryea A C, Manchester.
Duryea A D, Arcadia.
Duryea David, Manchester
Duryea P D, Manchester.
Dye Hatsell, Geranium.
Dye Jacob, Geranium.
Dye T M, Ord.
Dye W A, Ord.
Elliott J H, Ord.
Elliott Peter, Arcadia.
Elliott W T, Mira Creek.
Ellis O C, Ord.
Embke Henry, Yale.
Embke J, Yale.
Embke Ludwig, Yale.
Ernest J F, North Loup.
Ernest V H, North Loup.
Eskie Alex, Ord.
Estabrooke E A, Manderson.
Estill Chas, North Loup.
Etchison W R, Yale.
Eveningrin W P, North Loup.
Ewing John, Manchester.
Eyerly J H, Yale.
Fair J A, Ord.
Fair W F, Ord.
Fairegailes Belle, Ord.
Fairegailes David, Ord.
Fairegailes John, Ord.
Falton G W, Ord.
Farmer S J, Ord.
Fenton Chas, Ord.
Fenton Thomas, North Loup
Ferguson J, North Loup.
Finch George, North Loup.
Finly A M, Ord.
Finly D F, Ord.
Fisher Chas, Geranium.
Fisher D L, North Loup.
Fisher Hans, Elyria.
Flagler R G, Ord.
Flynn Richard, Yale.
Foght John, Elyria.
Forbes M E, Ord.
Ford J P, North Loup.
Foster E F, Arcadia.
Foster E M, Arcadia.
Foster F F, Arcadia.
Foster F R, Arcadia.
Foster H, Arcadia.
Foster I E, Arcadia.
Fostock Thomas, Elyria.
Foth A, North Loup.
Fowler A S, Arcadia.
Fradenburg A, Yale.
Franckowski Jacob, Sedlov.
Freeman P M, Arcadia.
French David G, Geranium.
Fretz I S, Geranium.
Freye C L, Ord.
Friend A J, North Loup.
Fronzen D O, Arcadia.
Fronzen F, Arcadia.
Fry A E, Ord.
Gabolounski Thos, Ord.
Gabriel A, North Loup.
Gagagen Geo, Mira Creek.
Gagagen Jos, Mira Creek.
Gallouski Martin, Ord.
Garbacz Chas, Sedlov.
Garbacz John, Elyria.
Garbaz Joe, Ord.
Gard R, Manderson.
Gibbs Jas F, Manderson.
Gibson Abram, Mira Creek.
Gifford F M, Ord.
Gillett W, Ord.
Gipe Amos J, North Loup.
Gipe M J, Ord.
Golden G G, Ord.
Golka Frank, Geranium.
Goodenow M B, Elyria.
Goodman Fred, Ord.
Goom Fred, Ord.
Gosper E S, Ord.
Gosper W A, Ord.
Grabowski Ant, Geranium.
Grabowski Frank, Sedlov.
Granger H, Elyria.
Grass Alex, Sedlov.
Gray W M, Mira Creek.
Green Frank, North Loup.
Green Fred, North Loup.
Green George, Sedlov.
Green H P, North Loup.
Green J A, North Loup.
Green L E, North Loup.
Green Morris, North Loup.
Green M W, North Loup.
Green O C, Ord.
Green W B, North Loup.
Green W L, North Loup.
Gregory Antoine, Sedlov.
Grippen H V, Ord.
Gross John, Elyria.
Gross Karel Geranium.
Gudmunso? C B, Ord.
Gudmunson H, Ord.
Guggerness Jac, Geranium.
Gurham J B, Manderson.
Gurney Lewis, Sedlov.
Gusta Gustave, Elyria.
Guye B L, North Loup.
Guye S H, North Loup.
Hackel Chas, Ord.
Hadden Bros, Ord.
Hagmann Jacob, Arcadia.
Hagemier Otto, Yale.
Haines E, North Loup.
Haley Frank, Ord.
Hall B H, North Loup.
Hall John, Manderson.
Hallock B F, Ord.
Hamarad Louis, Manderson.
Hamlin G W, Arcadia.
Hamlin J J, Arcadia.
Hansen Christ, Ord.
Hansen Lars, Ord.
Hansen N V, North Loup.
Harris Amos, Ord.
Harris Geo M, Ord.
Harris R M, Geranium.
Harrison D L, Ord.
Harrison Joseph, Ord.
Harrison M P, Arcadia.
Harrison W H, Ord.
Harrow Ed, Ord.
Hashaw J A, North Loup.


Haskell S S, Ord.
Haskins E E, North Loup.
Haster J L, North Loup.
Hather Fred, Ord.
Hather G T, Ord.
Hather W J, Ord.
Hanke Carl, North Loup.
Havelik Peter, Sedlov.
Haviland J, North Loup.
Hawkins Wm, Arcadia.
Hawley D O, Ord.
Hawley J E, Ord.
Hefferman John, Geranium.
Hegemeier Chas, North Loup.
Heitz Joseph, Ord.
Hekler C, North Loup.
Henderson I D, Geranium.
Henry John, Yale.
Henry Martin, North Loup.
Herdy Joseph jr, Geranium.
Herdy Joseph sr, Geranium.
Hibbard E C, North Loup.
Hibbard W L, North Loup.
Higgs C A, Ord.
Hill Jerome, Arcadia.
Hill Wm M, Arcadia.
Hoff King, Ord.
Hoffman H, Geranium.
Hoffman John, North Loup.
Hoffman L J, Geranium.
Hogue J H, Yale.
Hollingsworth D, Ord.
Holmes Frank, Yale.
Holmes Jos jr, Yale.
Holmes Jos sr, Yale.
Holmes Samuel, Yale.
Holmes Wm, Yale.
Holonn Vaelan, Geranium.
Holloway J D, Geranium.
Holloway Oliver, Geranium.
Honeycutt J W, North Loup
Honeycutt P M, North Loup
Honeycutt Wm, North Loup
Honnold R T, Mira Creek.
Honnold T C, Mira Creek.
Hoon Wm, Yale.
Hosek Albt, Geranium.
Hosek Frank, Geranium.
Hoshaw T J, Yale.
Hoskinson J, Arcadia.
Houder J B, Arcadia.
Houtby Ed, North Loup.
Howe Fred E, Ord.
Howe H S, Elyria.
Hubry John, Manderson.
Hughes Alvin, Mira Creek.
Hughes C F, North Loup.
Hughes J H, North Loup.
Hughes Walter, Yale.
Hulinski V, Sedlov.
Hull U B, Ord.
Hull W H, Ord.
Hunt C S, North Loup.
Hunter L C, Ord.
Hunter & McArthur, Ord.
Huteson F J, Arcadia.
Hutchins A B, North Loup.
Hutchins C R, Ord.
Ingraham D, North Loup.
Irish Monroe, Ord.
Irwin B J, Elyria.
Iwonski John, Elyria.
Iwonski Roman, Elyria.
Jackson R M, Loup City.
Jackson Lars, Elyria.
Jenkins I W, Arcadia.
Jenkins W F, Arcadia.
Jenkins Z Z, Arcadia.
Jennings Adelbert, Ord.
Jennings C H, Ord.
Jennings J H, Ord.
Jennings W A, Ord.
Jewett C C, Ord.
John James, Arcadia.
Johns Joe, Ord.
Johnson A K, Ord.
Johnson C E, North Loup.
Johnson D H, North Loup.
Johnson H E, Arcadia.
Johnson Henry, Sedlov.
Johnson Jacob, Elyria.
Johnson J V, Ord.
Johnson R H, Ord.
Johnson Robt, North Loup.
Johnson Theo, Arcadia.
Jones Dill, Ord.
Jones James, Ord.
Jones John S, Ord.
Jones M R, Ord.
Jones Thomas, Ord.
Jukes B I, Manderson.
Jukes James T, Manderson.
Jukes J G, Manderson.
Kaiser H, Mira Creek.
Kamarad Frank, Geranium.
Kank Frank, Sedlov.
Kasal Johan, Sedlov.
Kasal Vac?an, Sedlov.
Kass H D, North Loup.
Karty Michael, Ord.
Kathan C, Loup City.
Keating J M, Ord.
Kellar Christian, Ord.
Keller Jacob, Geranium.
Kellison G A, Mira Creek.
Kemp Chas E, Ord.
Kendall Chas, Ord.
Kennedy W H, Yale.
Kerns Wm, Arcadia.
Kildow Ira, North Loup.
Kildow J C, North Loup.
King E S, Ord.
Kinley H J, Ord.
Kinley J C, Ord.
Kippling David, Elyria.
Kippling R B, Elyria.
Klat Joe, Sedlov.
Klema Anna, Geranium.
Kluma John, Manchester.
Kluma Vaclan, Geranium.
Knott E B, Manderson.
Koacha S T, Sedlov.
Koch J D, Mira Creek.
Koelling Henry, Mira Creek.
Koelling Wm, Mira Creek.
Kokes Charley, Mira Creek.
Kokes John, Geranium.
Kokes Joseph, Ord.
Kosmata Anna, Geranium.
Kosmata Frank, Geranium.
Kosmata Jos, Geranium.
Koupal Antoine, Geranium.
Kowalski Frank, Yale.
Kramer J H, Ord.
Kre?walt John, North Loup.
Krikac Vencel, Geranium.
Kriz Frank, Sedlov.
Krummel Geo, Sedlov.
Kruwald Carl, Sedlov.
Lacefield L W, Ord.
Lacefield L W, Manderson.
Lamdan Mary, Mira Creek.
Lapham Arthur, Ord.
Lasmer W, Ord.
Laverty A A, Ord.
Laverty Jay, Ord.
Lawrence J A, Ord.
Lawton L H, North Loup.
Lee H, Mira Creek.
Lee H S, Arcadia.
Lee James, Arcadia.
Lee John, Arcadia.
Leece Saml, Ord.
Leesee Herbert, Geranium.
Lehman Fred, Ord.
Lehmer Bros, Mira Creek.
Lehmer Fred, Mira Creek.
Leidtke J, Ardadia. (sic)
Leininger Saml, Arcadia.
Lemaster Burt, Ord.
Lemaster Jacob, Ord.
Lenke August, Burwell.
Lennox & Harrison, Arcadia
Leonard C H, North Loup.
Lester Howad, Arcadia.
Lester J B, North Loup.
Lewis E R, North Loup.
Lewis H F, Ord.
Lindburg John, Arcadia.
Lindquist J H, Ord.
Linninger J F, Arcadia.
Linninger John, Arcadia.
Linninger Wm, Arcadia.
Lockridge Gus, Ord.
Lockridge Lee, Ord.
Logan Henry, Ord.
Long E S, Arcadia.
Long W D, Ord.
Lonnsbery G H, Ord.
Loomis E C, Ord.
Lorczyk Mary, Ord.
Loufborrow B, North Loup.
Loufborough M J, Ord.
Loufborough W W, Ord.
Lovell T C, Mira Creek.
Luberski Albert, Sedlov.
Luck Carl, Yale.
Luiton Bros, Ord.
Lukes John, Geranium.
Lukesh Albert, Geranium.
Lukesh John A, Geranium.
Lust Geo W, Mira Creek.
Lutomski Frank, Sedlov.
Lybarger Fay, Yale.
Lybarger Henry, Yale.
McArthur D A, Ord.
McArthur J A, Ord.
McCafferty Wm, Elyria.
McCall D, Ord.
McCarthy Henry, Geranium
McCaslin Henry, Elyria.
McCaslin Jacob, Elyria.
McClellen Saml, North Loup
McClement Wm, Arcadia.
McCord H H, Ord.
McCord E S, Manderson.
McDermott John, Nth Loup.
McGregor Everett, Yale.
McGrew W H, Sedlov.
McIntosh Wm, Arcadia.
McKellar J A, Arcadia.
McKill C, Arcadia.
McLain George jr, Ord.
McLain George sr, Ord.
McLain J H, Ord.
McLain Will, Ord.
McMullen Robert,> McNutt W L, Ord.
McRill C L, Arcadia.
MacDouough & Co, Ord.
MacIntyre A D, Elyria.
MacMurphy H A, Ord.
Madison Eugene, Ord.
Maiden H P, Ord.
Mann W H, Ord.
Mapes Ed, Ord.
Masin Frank, Sedlov.
Maslumka Adam, Sedlov.
Maslumka Thos, Sedlov.
Mason J W, Ord.
Mason N H, Ord.
Mason S M, Ord.
Maresh Joe, Sedlov.
Markham Wheeler, Ord.
Marks Ernest, Mira Creek.
Marks H C E, North Loup.
Marks H F W, North Loup.
Martin A S, Ord.
Martin W S, Ord.
Martz D J, Ord.
Matthews Hick, Elyria.
Matthews Nelson, Arcadia.
Mattison B P, North Loup.
Mattley John, Ord.
Mattley Luke, Ord.


Maxon Chas, North Loup.
May Albert, Sedlov.
May L, Ord.
May William, Mira Creek.
Mayo Marshall, North Loup.
Meeks Geo W, Elyria.
Mensing A V, North Loup.
Messick Thos L, Geranium.
Merta Jan, Geranium.
Meyer Fritz, Mira Creek.
Micklewait G W, Mira Creek
Millard Geo, Ord.
Miller Austin, Yale.
Miller Fall, Ord.
Miller G L, North Loup.
Miller J, Ord.
Miller J L, Elyria.
Miller John E, Yale.
Miller Lewis, North Loup.
Miller Peter, Longwood.
Miller R B, Elyria.
Miller Theo, Ord.
Miller Vincent M, Yale.
Miller Wm, Yale.
Miner Fayette, Geranium.
Mishka Jos, Ord.
Mitchell Frank, Geranium.
Mitchell James, North Loup
Mitchell Samuel, Geranium.
Moffet R H, Ord.
Moncrieff J D, Arcadia.
Moon M C, Arcadia.
Moore R C, Geranium.
Moses F S, Geranium.
Moses Wm H, Geranium.
Morris C H, Manderson.
Morris Eli, Ord.
Morris Jacob A, Geranium.
Morris J A, Geranium.
Morris P S, Manchester.
Mortensen Andrew, Arcadia
Motl Vaclan, Geranium.
Mourehouse E, North Loup.
Mourehouse W, North Loup.
Mulligan Geo, North Loup.
Mulligan W J, Mira Creek.
Mulottki A, Mira Creek.
Munson H W, North Loup.
Munroe J B, Ord.
Murtaugh James, Yale.
Myers August, Elyria.
Myers John, Ord.
Myers W H, Ord.
Naab John, Manderson.
Nay James, Ord.
Nay Robert jr, Ord.
Nay Robert sr, Ord.
Nay Wm, Ord.
Neff Agnes, Ord.
Neff Alonzo, Geranium.
Neff Victor F, Ord.
Nelson A S, Ord.
Nelson A V, Arcadia.
Nelson Chas J, Ord.
Nickerson E J, Ord.
Noll C W, Mira Creek.
Nevak Cecilia, Geranium.
Novotny Matt, Geranium
Nutting Simeon, Ord
Nygreen Nels, Ord.
Oberg N P, Arcadia.
Odell Oliver, Arcadia.
Oliver L, North Loup.
Ollis J A sr, North Loup.
Ollis J A jr, North Loup.
Olsen Nels, Ord.
Olsen Orid, Ord.
Olsen Sven, Manderson.
Olsen U S, Yale.
Osentowski Alex, Sedlov.
Osentowski Frank, Sedlov.
Osentowski Paul, Sedlov.
Ouderkirk N, Arcadia.
Oudrey John, Geranium.
Overholt W E, North Loup.
Page C M, Elyria.
Page C M, Ord.
Page Oria, Elyria.
Pakraka Agnes, Sedlov.
Paleska M H, Sedlov.
Palmatier C A, Geranium.
Papernik J, Ord.
Paponsek Frank, Geranium.
Parker Jacob, Arcadia.
Parkos Adelbert, Geranium.
Parkos Albert, Geranium.
Parkos Mike, Geranium.
Parkos Venc, Geranium.
Parks C W, Ord.
Parks H H, Ord.
Parks S A, Ord.
Paspisal Joseph, Sedlov.
Patrick J W, Ord.
Patten J A, Ord.
Paxderka Matez, Geranium.
Paxderka Vaclon, Geranium
Payton Willis, Arcadia.
Pecas Joe, Sedlov.
Peck L H, Ord.
Pedersen A C, Manderson.
Pedersen John F C, Elyria.
Pedersen J P, Ord.
Peggs G W, North Loup.
Penas Frank, Sedlov.
Pendexter F A, Arcadia.
Perda Jos Mrs, Sedlov.
Perkins Elmer, Ord.
Person Perry, Geranium.
Peske John, Geranium.
Peters Charles, Elyria.
Peterson F G, Ord.
Peterson James, Elyria.
Peterson Neils, Elyria.
Petska Frank, Geranium.
Petska Vaclan, Geranium.
Petty Geo M, Ord.
Philbrick O, Ord.
Phillips John, Yale.
Pierce D, Ord.
Pierce George, Ord.
Pierce L D, Ord.
Pierson C E, Arcadia.
Pierson E S, Geranium.
Pierson H D, Geranium.
Pokraka John, Geranium.
Polak Joseph, Geranium.
Porter Albert, Ord.
Porter J E, Sedlov.
Porter S B, Arcadia.
Porter W H, Arcadia.
Post Chas W, Elyria.
Potter C H, Ord.
Potter E M, Yale.
Potter L R, Yale.
Potter Major R, Elyria.
Potts M, Arcadia.
Powell Geo, Ord.
Poynter Robert, Manderson.
Prestele Mike, Geranium.
Preston B, Ord.
Preston Rob't North Loup.
Prentice H F, Ord.
Prince Mary, Geranium.
Pring Leroy, Elyria.
Pring W C, Elyria.
Pritchard F O, North Loup.
Ptacnic Jos, Geranium.
Ra?lmeyer F, North Loup.
Ra?is W A, North Loup.
Rakowski Casper, Elyria.
Ramsey W H H, Geranium.
Randall Perry, North Loup.
Randall M C, North Loup.
Randall W U, North Loup.
Rapp Jno W, Yale.
Rassett William, Ord.
Rathbun D H, Ord.
Rathbun W W, North Loup.
Rauth Peter, North Loup.
Ray D W, Elyria.
Readle C, Yale.
Readle John, Yale.
Reed John, Arcadia.
Reeves W N, Arcadia.
Rhodes C B, Manderson.
Rhodes H F, Manderson.
Rich Chas, Mira Creek.
Robbins F B, North Loup.
Robertson J H, Ord.
Robinson Chas, Ord.
Robinson E G, Arcadia.
Robinson L H, North Loup.
Robinson M S, Manderson.
Rogers Geo W, Ord.
Rogers H D, Ord.
Rogers J C, Ord.
Rogers J F, Ord.
Rohan James, North Loup.
Rood C J, North Loup.
Rood W H, North Loup.
Ross D M, Ord.
Rosak Frank, Sedlov.
Rothgeb Ida, North Loup.
Rothgeb John, North Loup.
Rowell Caleb E, Geranium.
Rowell A, Ord.
Ruhl D C, North Loup.
Russell E A, Ord.
Russell G B, Yale.
Russell G L, Ord.
Russell R E, Yale.
Ryan Lewis, Elyria.
Rybin Anna, Geranium.
St Barnard & Hunt, Ord.
Sample H B, North Loup.
Sample J N, North Loup.
Sathiswaite S, Geranium.
Saunders David, North Loup.
Saunders Edw, Burwell.
Saville A B, Arcadia.
Saville S N, Arcadia.
Saville W J, Arcadia.
Sayer F E, Yale.
Schoning Otto, North Loup.
Schrier Geo, Sedlov.
Schultz C C, North Loup.
Schultz W H, North Loup.
Schwaner H J, Ord.
Schwaner R C, Ord.
Scott W G & Bros, Nth Loup.
Seager Grove, Mira Creek.
Sedlacek John, Geranium.
Se?cik John, Geranium.
Sestak Jaraslaw, Ord.
Severn Chas, Sedlov.
Sharf Frank, Manderson.
Sharpe J R, Ord.
Shay Adelbert, Yale.
Shay G T, Yale.
Shaw James, North Loup.
Shelton Thos, Burwell.
Shephard A, North Loup.
Shephard J G, Ord.
Shinn H, Ord.
Shirley H B, North Loup.
Shultz J L, Elyria.
Shultz Wm, Mira Creek.
Simpson H C, North Loup.
Simpson L W, Ord.
Sinclair Warren, Manderson.
Sinkler N R, Ord.
Skolil Joseph, Geranium.
Slaverick Chas, Ord.
Slaverick Frank, Ord.
Slaverick Joe, Ord.
Sleger Paul, Manderson.
Slocum A H, Arcadia.
Smith Adam, Geranium.
Smith A F, Arcadia.
Smith Carl, Mira Creek.
Smith Chas L, North Loup.
Smith D B, Ord.
Smith F E, Geranium.
Smith F O, North Loup.
Smith Jeppe, Ord.


Smith J O, Manderson.
Smith P E, Ord.
Smith S J, Manderson.
Smith Walter S, Manderson.
Smith Wm, Ord.
Smith W A, Ord.
Smolik Joseph, Geranium.
Snow C H, Ord.
Sorensen Annie, Ord.
Sorensen Lars, Ord.
Sorensen Nels, Ord.
Sorensen Peter, Ord.
Sorensen Rudolph, Ord.
Sorensen S H, Ord.
Sorensen Thomas, Ord.
Sowers John, Manderson.
Sowers M J, Manderson.
Squires E F, Mira Creek.
Stacy O M, Ord.
Stafford S M, Geranium.
Stanek Jacob, Sedlov.
Stanton E. Ord.
Stanton Will, Ord.
Stara Joseph, Geranium.
Starky A J, Sedlov.
Starky S A, Sedlov.
Sterling James R, Manderson.
Stevens A J, Arcadia.
Stevens C D, Arcadia.
Stevens E E, Arcadia.
Stevens F M, Arcadia.
Stevens J C, Geranium.
Stevens M E, Arcadia.
Stewart D A, North Loup.
Stewart J W, Mira Creek.
Stewart W J, Ord.
Stichler Adam, Ord.
Stichler D, North Loup.
Stidwell John, Arcadia.
Stone Albert J, Manderson.
Stone George, Manderson.
Stone R S, Manderson.
Stone Thomas, Arcadia.
Stone W G, Manderson.
Storing C, Mira Creek.
Story William, Burwell.
Strathdee Geo, Arcadia.
Strong D E, Ord.
Stroup H C, Geranium.
Studler Vaclan, Geranium.
Stupka Joseph, Yale.
Summer John, Manderson.
Sund Christ, Ord.
Svoboda Karel, Geranium.
Swan I N, Ord.
Swan S J, North Loup.
Tanner & Co, North Loup.
Tappan E C, North Loup.
Tatsey Andrew, Elyria.
Taylor A W, Ord.
Taylor C, North Loup.
Taylor Wm, Ord.
Templeton David, Yale.
Tennant A R, Manderson.
Tetchner Christian, Elyria.
Theobald H W, Manchester.
Theobald S R, Manchester.
Theobald T W, Manchester.
Thomas B J, North Loup.
Thomas E E, Manderson.
Thomas I L, Manderson.
Thompson F S, Ord.
Thompson Horace, Elyria.
Thompson Lewis, Ord.
Thompson O H, Burwell.
Thompson S A, North Loup.
Thompson Samuel, Ord.
Thompson T L, Ord.
Thorpe E, Geranium.
Thurman Isaac, Elyria.
Thrasher C N, North Loup.
Thresher Geo. North Loup.
Thorngate C W, North Loup
Thorngate H, North Loup.
Thorngate Henry, Nth Loup
Thorngate R G, North Loup.
Tidd Solomon, North Loup.
Tims Will, Ord.
Timmerman L D, Ord.
Timmerman M A, Ord.
Timmerman W J, Ord.
Tluson Anna, Ord.
Tluson Peter, Ord.
Todd Archibald, Arcadia.
Todd David, Arcadia.
Todd D E, North Loup.
Tooker Ralph, Arcadia.
Townsend Joel, North Loup.
Travis Eunice M, Ord.
Travis Frank, Ord.
Travis Fred, Ord.
Travis W A, Ord.
Trebau Frank, Elyria.
Trefren W A, North Loup.
Trehlow Herman, Burwell.
Trout A, Ord.
True C, Arcadia.
Trindle Thomas, Yale.
Truitt G B, Ord.
Trump Joseph, North Loup.
Tucker J R, Sedlov.
Tully J J, Elyria.
Turek Dora, Ord.
Turek Joe, Ord.
Turner E, North Loup.
Turner L W, Ord.
Twerdik Frank, Sedlov.
Twombly Oliver, Elyria.
Tyak Thos, Manderson.
Ulm E J, Ord.
Ulm L P, Ord.
Underwood W J, Ord.
Uoody W N, Mira Creek.
Upham Clinton, Ord.
Upright D E, North Loup.
Upright R S, North Loup.
Upright S W, North Loup e. (sic)
Urban James, Manderson.
Utter G W, Arcadia.
Vadhual Thos, Sedlov.
Valasek John, Geranium.
Valasek Joseph, Geranium.
Valosnik John, Ord.
VanAlstine W H, Arcadia.
Vanscoy Ernest, Ord.
Vanscoy John, Ord
Vanscoy Samuel, Ord.
Vandas Mike, Burwell.
Vandyke Bros, Arcadia.
VanHorn E B, North Loup.
Vankirk M H, Loup City.
VanRiper A A, Geranium.
Vansant C H, Arcadia.
Vasicek V, Ord.
VanWie Jonas, Ord.
VanWie Ward, Elyria.
Vavra Mike, Geranium.
Vermillion James, Yale.
Vesper Adam, Elyria.
Vesper Chris, Ord.
Vincent Albert, Burwell.
Vincent H C, Ord.
Vinecore James, Ord.
Viner Antione, Burwell. (sic)
Virgin F, North Loup.
Visda Mike, Manderson.
Volger Wm, Ord.
Vopat Frank, Mira Creek.
Voygent H A, Ord.
Wagner H H, Arcadia.
Wagner J F, Ord.
Waite E E, Yale.
Waite John, Yale.
Waite Wilber, Yale.
Wallakoski S T, Yale.
Waterman Benj, Mira Creek.
Waterman N L, Mira Creek.
Waterman Walter, Ord.
Waters S, Ord.
Walters W S, Ord.
Walton C B, Geranium.
Ward A, Mira Creek.
Watson L L, Ord.
Watson W A, Ord.
Watson W S, Ord.
Watts Frank, North Loup.
Watts H A, North Loup.
Way Walter M, Elyria.
Wazniak Jno, Ord.
Wazniak S T, Sedlov.
Weaver B J, Geranium.
Webb H F, North Loup.
Webb S S, North Loup.
Weber Peter, Mira Creek.
Webster H D, Manchester.
Webster S E, Burwell.
Webster S H, Ord.
Weed T P, North Loup.
Weher Wm, Sedlov.
Wells H J, Elyria.
Wells W G, Yale.
Welton J M, Manchester.
Wetzel W L, North Loup.
Widestrand Andrew, Ord.
Wilcox A E, Ord.
Wilde Fred.
Williams A, North Loup.
Williams Albert, Ord.
Williams H, Ord.
Williams J B, North Loup.
Williams J L, North Loup.
Williams John R, Ord.
Williams R B, North Loup.
Williams W H, North Loup.
Wilmouth J E, Ord.
Wilson Birb, Arcadia.
Wilson C E, North Loup.
Wilson Gregory, Elyria.
Wilson Hiram, North Loup.
Wilson M C, Ord.
Wilson O R, Ord.
Wilson Swan, Ord.
Whitham M B, Elyria.
Wheatcraft J F, North Loup.
Wheeler John S, Geranium.
Wheeler J S, North Loup.
White W S, Ord.
Whitney W C, Arcadia.
Wolcot L J, Manchester.
Wolf Frank, Geranium.
Wolf John, Geranium.
Wood S D, North Loup.
Woody O N, Yale.
Wortman L E, Ord.
Wox R J, Yale.
Wright C, North Loup.
Wygent Chas, Geranium.
Wygent David, Ord.
Wygent W H, Ord.
Yadina Vaclav, Geranium.
Yigmund Ant, Geranium.
Yigmund Jas, Geranium.
Young Chas, Ord.
Young J G, Elyria.
Young R R, Manchester.
Yurek Joseph, Geranium.
Zablondil John, Ord.
Zablonski S, Ord.
Zoworski Andrew, Ord.
Zulkoski J, Sedlov.
Zurek Joe, Sedlov.

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