
Logan County History 1885-1985

Copywrite 2000 - 2016 by Peggy Struwe ©


The farmers in the Gandy and Garfield areas needed a place to market 
their grain. When the long-looked-for rail road came to Gandy Community 
in 1912, they decided to organize and have a Company Elevator, which was 
named "The Farmer's Elevator".  Mr. James Philpot was elected President. 
J.E. Paine, John Newborn, A.L. Auble, George Hughes and Jack Philpot were
 directors. Many shares were sold to the Farmers in the surrounding area 
at $50.00 per share. The Elevator was erected in North Gandy on the south 
side of the railroad tracks.

Mr. A.L. Auble was the first manager.  He built a small house close by the 
elevator and he and his wife took charge. W.D. Paul was Secretary and 
Treasurer.  Next manager was Mr. Benjamin. He was also a carpenter and 
built the elevator and the elevator companies dwelling house.  There was 
a need for a good road through the swamp. William Fablinger, Forrest 
Johnson, Walter Ensign, and Gerald Boyer, with Sankey Stephens as boss, 
worked with their horses and scrapers and made a good and passable road.  
The farmers were very happy to have a place to market their grain. They 
could could now make two loads in one day with team and wagon, where as
before it took two days to market one load.  When they had to make the 
long trip to North Platte in winter, the heavily loaded freight wagons 
would make the trip across country, wheels slipping, sliding and screeching 
in the snow.

In summer the hot sun beat down unmercifully on the horses and the buffalo 
gnats annoyed the drivers. So the farmers were very happy to have the 
elevator close to their homes.

Charles W. Hardin with the help of his wife was manager next for many years.
A.R. Ensign was Secretary-Treasurer at this time.   In 1925 business increased 
and the work became too hard for Mr. Hardin. Jess Lehmkuhler was hired for an 
assistant and has worked their ever since.

In 1942 the Farmer's Elevator Company dissolved and the Ingalls Grain Co. 
bought the elevator. Mr. Lehmkuhler was retained as the manager.

The Farmers Elevator and Shipping Company also bought and shipped livestock, 
sold coal, lumber, post, wire, and block salt. It was a great blessing to the 
people to be able to buy a sack of coal; many times before they had been so 
short of fuel, they had to gather cow-chips from the pastures to burn, (which was better than nothing.)

It was also good to have the opportunity to buy a few posts and wire to repair 
the fence and take home a block of salt for the cows.  from Mrs. Jess 
Lehmkuhler, Gandy, Nebraska.


If you have any comments or suggestions please contact me.