O'NEILL situated near the center of Holt County, on the line of the F E & M V R R, and the present terminus of the Pacific Short Line, RY, has a population of 1,200, as is the county seat. A stage line runs between here and Niobrara, the county seat of Knox county. Other places are also reached by stage from this point. The Pacific Short Line Ry. has recently been completed from Sioux City to O'Neill and opened for travel. The company about to erect a $15,000 depot, a large freight house, a 15 stall roundhouse, repair shops, water tank and the largest and most complete yard on the line.

This distance from Sioux City is 130 miles.

The Board of Trade are comtemplating the building of a $30,000 hotel and the construction of a $15,000 system of water works.

The banks in operation are the Holt County Bank, the First National and the Elkhorn Valley Bank, and a new bank is under consideration.

There are several hotels and three newspapers, The Frontier, J H Riggs, proprietor; the Item, published by C. Selak, and the O'Neill Sun, McHugh & Watson publishers.

A United States land office is located here of which AL Towe is receiver and B S Gillespie is register.

The Catholic Church here has a bell weighing 4,000 pounds.

The churches are Catholic, Methodist, and Presbyterian.

The societies are I.O.O.F., A.F.& A., G.A.R., K. of P., A.O.H., and Emmet Literary Society.

A fine three-story brick building is about to be erected to be used as a Catholic convent and school, to be completed by Jan.1st, 1891. An extensive brick and tile company has recently been put in operation.

Adams, E W, Atty
Albert Valentine, Harness
Athey Alexander, Atty
Barnett & Frees, Lumber
Benedict, E H, Atty
Bentley, J. Grocer
Biglin, O F, Furniture
Boyd & Wolf, Contractors
Brennan, Neil, Hardware
Bunco, George, Gunsmith
Campbell, Frank, Agl Implts
Carlton & Canlan, Atty
Chapman, N B, Atty
Chard, A B, Atty
Chisholm, J W, Prop Windsor Hotel
Clark & Hunt, Contractors
Cleveland & Moffett , Attorneys, notaries, collections promptly attended to.
Colburn, I C, Barber
Cole, F B & Son, Jewelry
Corbett, A H, Dentist, photographer
Corrigan, P C, Drugs
Deyarman Bros, Livery
Dickson RR & Co , Attorneys at law and notaries public
Dobbs, W J, Sta, tel and ex. agt.
Donald, J P, Justice
Dyer, A H., Architect
Eberle, Peter, Tailor
Eisaman, C D B, Phys
Elkhorn Valley Bank, McGreery & Hagerty Props.
Evans, W T, Prop Hotel Evans
Fahy, Patrick, Real estate
Fallon, W., Hardware
First National Bank, T J Birmingham, Pres, J P Mann, Vice Pres, E F Gallagher, Cashier
FIsher, W B, Prop The Sherman
The Frontier , James H Riggs, Prop.
Galena Lumber Co., Birmingham & Gallagher Props.
Gatz, F C, Meat Market
Gibbons, Misses, Dressmaker
Giddings, Edwin, Grocer
Golden T V & CO, Abstracts of titles
Grady, E M, Jeweler
Gwin, N C, Jewelery
Harrington, M F, Atty, Notary
Hayes, S A, Groceries
Heinerikson, H, Groceries
Hershiser, Edwin, Postmaster
Holt County Bank, David Adams, pres, J E Blabon, Vice pres, D L Darr, cashier
Hotel Evans , W T Evans, prop
The Item Clarence Selak, pub
Jones, G W, Livery
King, J J, Justice
Lamphere & Newell, Painters
Love, W S, Phys.
McCaggerty, John, Hardware
McClure, H W, Genl mdse
McGreery & Hagerty, Prop Elkhorn Valley Bank
McHugh & Watson pubs O'Neill Sun
McKinney, John, Blacksmith
McMahan, James, Atty
Mack, J L & Co, Flour and feed
Mann, John, Harness
Mann, J P, Genl mdse
Martin, Mrs. N., Millinery
Matthews, W D, Loans
Meredith, H J, Atty
Merriman, J M, Livery
Merritt, Goe H. Blacksmith
Millard, C C, Real estate
Milligan, Joseph, Blacksmith
Moldenhauer & Schrser, Merchant tailors
Morris & Co, Drugs
Morrison, Isaac, Hotel
Mullen Bros, Contractors
Murphy, H E, Atty
O'Carroll, Michael, Tailor
O'Neill Abstracting Co., E W Adams, Pres,
E S Kinch, Vice pres, J H Meredith, Sec.
O'Neill Brick & Tile CO, B J Ryan, mgr.
O'Neill Sun , McHugh & Watson Pubs.
Osborn, G C, Meat Market
Page, W W, Surveyor
Pfund, J, Groceries
Pfunder, J F, Harness
Planck Y Thompson, Livery
Plunck, John, Livery
Potter, (The), O F Wiley, Prop.
Riggs, James H. Editor of The Frontier
Roberts, Mrs. M C, Millinery
Selak, Clarence, Pub The Item
Sherman, (The) W B, Fisher, Prop
Shillhart, V, Hotel
Shore, J E, Phys.
Slattery, Micahel, Shoemaker
Slocum, M P, Atty
Smith, I R, Livery
Smoot, J C, Barber
Sniggs, Emil, Blacksmith
Stannard, D & Bros, Marble Yard
State Bank of O'Neill (The) paid up capital $30,000,
W D Matthews, Pres, Samuel C. Sample, Cashier
Sullivan, M M, Genl mdse
Tierney, M E, Blacksmith
Toohill, Frank, Meat market
US Land Office, A L Towe receiver, B S Gillespie register
Uttley, H M, Atty
Wagers & Doyle, Livestock buyers
Ward, Edward, Livery
Weingartner, Peter, Tailor
Welton, Barnebas, Bakery
Wiley, O F, Prop, The Potter
Wilson, H, Boots and shoes

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