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Deuel County

Farmers List

Note: Names appear without punctuation.


             Business Directory and Farmer list for 1890 - 1891
     Omaha: J.M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509 - 510 Paxton Block 1890
  Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J.M. Wolfe
    & Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C.

Deuel County Farmers

Chappell-County Seat

A   B  C   D   E  F  G   H  I   J   K  L  M  Mc  N  O  P Q
R   S   T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Abbot John, Big Spring.       Lader Henry, Big Spring.      
Adamek John, Chappell.        Laird S F, Oshkosh.           
Adams Sml, Big Spring.        Lange Henry, Oshkosh.         
Albrecht P, Froid.            Larson C 0, Froid.            
Alinder Gust F, Froid.        Larson J E, Froid..           
Allen A H, Alliance.          Larson L H, Lodge Pole.       
Allis Henry, Lodge Pole.      Larson Lee, Froid.            
Almberg John H, Froid.        Larson O C, Froid.            
Amsberry B F, Froid.          Law A A, Big Spring.          
Amsberry M C, Froid.          Law Jas H, Julesburg Col.     
Anderborg Ola, Froid.         Law John, Julesburg Col.      
Anderson A J, Chappell.       Law William, Julesburg Col.   
Anderson A J, Froid.          Laycock J B, Chappell.        
Anderson Andy, Big Spring.    Layersted A, Julesburg Col.   
Anderson Bengt, Froid.        Leach Stephen, Chappell.      
Anderson Charley, Chappell.   Ledgerwood W E, Oshkosh.      
Anderson F, Lodge Pole.       Lee John, Chappell.           
Anderson G, Froid.            Lee John H, Chappell.         
Anderson Gust, Froid.         Lee Willis, Chappell.         
Anderson J B, Julesburg, Col. Lehman Jacob, Chappell.       
Anderson J M, Chappell.       Lehman T A, Chappell.         
Anderson John, Froid.         Leef Peter, Julesburg Col.    
Anderson N, Froid.            Leigh A H, Chappell.          
Anglo J M, Big Spring.        Leigh Jared, Chappell.        
Anno Stephen J, Chappell.     Leonard Jane C, Chappell.     
Anthony Wm R, Chappell.       Lewis J F, Chappell.          
Antney F E, Bingham.          Libby Livina W, Lewellen.     
Ash Marshall, Chappell.       Liester A A, Big Spring.      
Austin W C, Big Spring.       Lindgren S P, Julesburg Col.  
Avery S, Bingham.             Lindgren C, Julesburg Col.    
Babcock W H, Chappell.        Linstrom O F, Froid.          
Bailey Chas H, Big Spring.    Linstrom H F, Froid.          
Bairn John, Lewellen.         Lisco Fred T, Oshkosh.        
Baker Edward, Lewellen.       Lisco R, Chappell.            
Baker. Frank,  Chappell.      Loob James, Oshkosh.          
Barhee Wm, Froid              Lombarty John, Oshkosh.       
Barber Frank, Lewellen.       Losehke Wm, Big Spring.       
Barber Gabriel, Lewellen.     Lowe C M, Froid.              
Barchus W G, Big Spring.      Ludlow W 0, Chappell.         
Barker Nelson J, Chappell.    Ludwick Lee, Lewellen.        
Barnencan? C F, Chappell      Lund Chris, Big Spring.       
Barr Robt M, Big Spring.      Lund J N, Froid.              
Barton' George, Oshkosh.      Lund N N, Froid.              
Barton W A, Chappell.         Lundberg John, Chappell.      
Barton G, Froid.              Lundblad P A, Chappell.       
Baxter T J, Chappell.         Lundquist Ellen, Froid.       
Bay James M, Chappell.        Lundquist J W, Froid.         
Benchler E S, Big Spring.     Lundquist N, Froid.           
Beard Corce B,. Lewellen.     Lundquist N P, Froid          
Beard Mart L, Lewellen.       Lyons Wm, Oshkosh.            
Beard Wm W, Lewellen.         McClusky G W, Chappell.       
Beaty O, Julesburg, Col.      McCormick Cal, Big Spring.    
Bell James, Chappell.         McCormick C, Big Spring.      
Bell Thomas, Big Spring.      McCormick R, Big Spring.      
Benke Fred, Lodge Pole.       McCrea A, Chappell.           
Bennett C M Lodge Pole.       McCrea David, Big Spring.     
Benglew A, Froid.             McCue John, Chappell.         
Bensen A, Julesburg, Col.     McDowell J F, Big Spring.     
Benson John, Chappell.        McEldowney W H, Chappell.     
Benson Ola, Julesburg, Col.   McGrale A, Lodge Pole.        
Benson Swan, Lodge Pole.      McAullif Frank, Chappell.     
Bergquist F W, Chappell.      McHatton James, Chappell.     
Bergson Nell, Oshkosh.        McHatton J M, Chappell.       
Bergstrom Charles, Chappell.  McHatton Lee, Chappell        
Bertis Geo, Big Spring.       McKay J 0, Chappell.          
Biggs A, Froid.               McKay R B, Froid.             
Bilingsley M, Big Spring.     McLaughlin J S, Chappell.     
Bivans H C, Julesburg, Col.   McHeal B, Big Spring.         
Blair Grafton H, Chappell.    McOrind Duncan, Chappell.     
Blansey John H,  Oshkosh.     Maneser G C, Big Spring.      
Boggs Hugh, Lewellen.         Mank C W, Oshkosh.            
Boggs John, Lewellen.         Marble Alvin, Oshkosh.        
Bohrs ust, Chappell.          Marquis C V, Froid.           
Boomer A E, Big Spring.       Marquis E M A, Froid.         
Bott G F, Chappell.           Marsh Sheldon, Froid.         
Bowers  Wm T, Oshkosh.        Marsh W F, Lewellen.          
Bourgland A, Lewellen.        Mason J E, Big Spring.        
Bourgland Lee, Lewellen.      Mather F W, Lewellen.         
Bourgland John A Lewellen.    Mather Mary E, Lewellen.      
Bradley William, Chappell.    Matson Hans, Oshkosh.         
Brandhoefer E R, Big Spg.     Matson P, Froid.              
Brashears B H, Chappell.      Maxwell A D, Chappell.        
Brashears Ira, Chappell.      Maxwell L N, Big Spring.      
Briggs Martin I, Chappell.    Mayfield J A, Chappell.       
Brooks B, Chappell.           Mayfield J B, Chappell.       
Brooks C E, Big pring.        Mayfield L J, Chappell.       
Brooks J H, Julesburg, Col.   Meeker Amos, Lewellen.        
Brooks Leroy, Chappell.       Meline O J, Chappell.         
Brotshi Conrad, happell.      Melton John, Lodge Pole.      
Brown E P, Chappell.          Merica Ira C, Alliance.       
Brown E R, Chappell.          Mevich John, Lewellen.        
Brown Harvey, Oshkosh.        Michelsen Martin, Chappell.   
Brown J F, Froid.             Miller F B, Chappell.         
Brown J H, Chappell.          Miller F M, Big Spring.       
Brown W H, Big Spring.        Miller Jacob, Oskosh.         
Brown Wm, Big Spring.         Miller John, Chappell.        
Brown Wm, Lodge ole.          Miller Nannie, Oshkosh,       
Bruen R, Lodge Pole.          Millett James, Lodge Pole.    
Brunner Albert, Chappell.     Mills L C, Lewellen.          
Brunt J M, Lewellen.          Milton Geo L, Lodge Pole.     
Bubolt Henrietta, Lewellen.   Minert T H, Chappell.         
Bubolt John, Lewellen.        Minkham Jas, Alliance.        
Burke Hugh, Oshkosh.          Mitchell Robt, Chappell.      
Burke John, Oshkosh.          Moline Fred, Froid.           
Burke W W, Oshkosh.           Monahan Dean, Oshkosh.        
Burnapp A G, Oshkosh.         Moore Charles, Chappell.      
Burns P H, Chappell.          Moore H W, Big Spring.        
Buske C J, Lodge Pole.        Morgan F P, Chappell.         
Bttle John, Froid.            Morgan G E, Alliance.         
Campbell W, Bingham.          Morris C H, Chappell.         
Carlson Abel, Chappell.       Morris James, Big Spring.     
Carlson C A, Chappell.        Morrison John, Big Spring.    
Carlson Chas, Chappell.       Mumpher Wm, Lewellen.         
Carlson C G, Chappell.        Naslund John, Chappell.       
Carlson E J, Chappell.        Nave Andrew, Big pring.       
Carlson Gust, Chappell.       Needam Smith C, Lewellen.     
Carlson J F, Froid.           Neilson Alis, Big pring.      
Carly J A, Lodge Pole.        Neilson Neils, Chappell.      
Caslin J J, Louellen.         Neilson Peter, Big Spring.    
Catron E E, Bingham.          Nelson Albert, Froid.         
Chamberlan A, Froid.          Nelson B M, Froid.            
Chase L B, Big Spring.        Nelson Ed, Julesburg Col.     
Chase W J, Big Spring.        Nelson E W, Lodge Pole.       
Chesmore D, Lodge Pole.       Nelson Hans P, Chappell.      
Chindgren A H, Lodge Pole.    Nelson J D, Froid.            
Christ Philip, Big Spring.    Nelson John, Froid.           
Clark G F, Big Spring.        Nelson Martin, Froid.         
Clark James, Big Spring.      Nelson Mons, Froid.           
Clary M P, Big Spring.        Nelson Nels, Froid.           
Clayton E F, Chappell.        Nelson Peter, Froid.          
Closson L F, Froid.           Neumeyer John, Big Spring.    
Coetens J, Chappell.          Neumeyer M, Big Spring.       
Coffman Jonas, Froid.         Newberry Peter, Froid.        
Cole L L, Chappell.           Newman A G, Chappell.         
Cole W F, Chappell.           Newman J W, Chappell.         
Coleman T, Julesburg Col.     Newman Tissie R, Big Spring.  
Collier W B, Lewellen.        Newport B W, Big Spring.      
Collins A D, Lewellen.        Nichol J J, Big Spring..      
Collins M S, Lewellen.        Nichols A H, Chappell.        
Colton R, Lodge Pole.         Nielson N C, Big pring.       
Coney E A, Big Spring.        Nielson 0 P, Big Spring.      
Cook A, Lewellen.             Nitty Albert, Lewellen.       
Cooke W E, Chappell.          Nitty Theodore, Lewellen.     
Coon Fredreick, Chappell.     Nordell O F, Lodge Pole.      
Copelund A C, Chappell.       Noris James, Big pring.       
Coudy A, Big Spring.          Northrop G W, Lewellen.       
Coultier Alice L, Oshkosh.    Norton P, Oshkosh.            
Coumbe Ed, Lodge Pole.        O'Connell W H, Lewellen.      
Cratty James, Chappell.       Ohlson Nick, Chappell.        
Crauty S P, Froid.            Olson Charles, Froid.         
Crawford James, Chappell.     Olson Hake, Froid.            
Crawford J M, Chappell.       Olson Henry, Chappell.        
Cribbs Chas, Lodge Pole.      Olson Peter, Froid.           
Cromwell E W, Chappell.       O'Neil D S, Julesburg Col.    
Crowfood J, Chappell.         O'Neil F D, Julesburg Col.    
Dahl Lewis, Ramsay.           O'Neil John, Chappell.        
Dahl Marquis, Ramsay.         O'Neil Julia, Julesburg Col.  
Dailey R F, Oshkosh.          O'Neil M, Julesburg Col.      
Dalson Chas A, Oshkosh        Opp Nick, Big Spring.         
Darlington S R, Big Spring.   Ostrand Alfred, Big Spring.   
Darlington Wm, Big Spring.    Ostwald Fred, Big Spring.     
Daugherty L H, Froid.         Ostwald Wm, Big Spring.       
Davis D J, Chappell.          Oustott D C, Big Spring.      
Davis Ed B, Oshkosh.          Ovitt Newton D, Chappell.     
Day E M, Ogalalla.            Paisley Ira, Ramsey.          
Day Robt A, Oshkosh.          Parmenter C W, Chappell.      
Day Wm L, Ramsey.             Patterson Saml, Oshkosh.      
Dean Burke M, Oshkosh.        Paulson Geo, Froid.           
Delatour S P, Ramsay.         Peck A A, Ramsey.             
Depue Chrs, Froid.            Pedvin Daniel, Ramsey.        
Dessauer Lewis, Big Spring.   Peltre A, Froid.              
Diekey John, Lodge Pole.      Persinger A B, Lodge Pole.    
Dobbins Joseph, Lodge Pole.   Peterson H A, Julesburg Col.  
Dolson John A, Oshkosh.       Peterson Aug, Chappell.       
Dolt Sylvester, Lodge Pole.   Peterson C M, Froid.          
Doolittle Edward, Oshkosh.    Peterson Oliver, Froid.       
Druval Andrew, Oshkosh.       Peterson Peter S, Oshkosh.    
Duckensen J B, Oshkosh.       Phelps E H, Big Spring.       
Daffin Belle, Oshkosh.        Pickering Abel, Chappell.     
Duffin Hugh, Oshkosh.         Pickering A G, Froid.         
Duffin Jas, Oshkosh.          Pickering J A, Chappell.      
Duffin Jno, Oshkosh.          Pickett G R, Big Spring.      
Duffin Jno H, Oshkosh.        Pierce Fred, Froid.           
Duffin Peter, Oshkosh.        Pierce Geo, Alliance.         
Duffin Winnall?, Oshkosh.     Pindell Presley, Big Spring.  
Dunning John D, Chappell.     Pircy J G, Chappell.          
Echols Frank S, Big Spring.   Plumback J, Lodge Pole.       
Eckholm E M Julesburg Col.    Plummer Annie, Oshkosh.       
Eggelston Orin, Chappell.     Plummer W S, Big Spring..     
Eggers George, Lodge Pole.    Porter Milo J, Lodge Pole.    
Ekwall H B, Chappell.         Porter Wm B, Lodge Pole.      
Eldred Edgar, Bingham.        Potts D W, Froid.             
Eldred Everitte E, Bingham.   Preston Wm, Oshkosh.          
Elliot L H, Chappell.         Pringle A M, Oshkosh.         
Ellis A J, Chappell.          Prouty Levi 0, Oshkosh.       
Elmquist J M, Julesburg Col.  Pulcher John, Lodge Pole.     
Elmquist P, Julesburg Col.    Quelle Frans, Froid.          
Engelman H, Big Spring.       Ramsay A F, Ramsay.           
Enslow John E, Big Spring.    Rasmussen H, Julesburg Col.   
Esterbrook M J, Big Spring.   Reed Jos S, Chappell.         
Evans Thomas, Froid.          Reed Thos, Lodge Pole.        
Ewing G P, Chappell.          Reeve Frank W, Chappell.      
Ewing John, Lodge Pole.       Remington A D, Big Spring.    
Feary S P, Big Spring.        Reno John, Big Spring.        
Fendor M, Big Spring.         Rentzsch Gustave, Lewellen.   
Fenske T, Big pring.          Rentzsch Paul, Lewellen.      
Finch J J, Lewellen.          Reynolds L C, Big Spring.     
Finwall N J, Chappell.        Rhoads Stephen, Froid.        
Fish C, Chappell.             Richmond G G, Julesburg Col.  
Fister W H, Bingham.          Rieder Jacob, Froid.          
Flock Sarah, Oshkosh.         Rieker Alva, Oshkosh.         
Folster Christ. Chappell.     Rist J S, Froid.              
Foltz David, Big Spring.      Robenson J H, Big Spring.     
Fonander C V, Froid.          Robert C F, Froid.            
Fonander S A, Froid.          Robinson John Oshkosh.        
Fondor Jacob, Big Spring.     Robson J L, Chappell.         
Ford Riely, Big ring.         Rogers Patrick, Chappell.     
Foster C E, Chappell.         Root A R, Big Spring.         
Fought David C, Oshkosh.      Root J F, Big Spring.         
Fought W, Oshkosh.            Root R D, Big Spring.         
Fox Henry H, Oshkosh.         Rose Bert, Chappell.          
Francis Thos H, Chappell.     Rose F M, Lodge Pole.         
Frary E H, Big Spring.        Rosenquist John M, Froid.     
Frisby Henry, Lewellen.       Rosentyne A, Lewellen.        
Frisby H, Hutchinson.         Ross David, Lewellen.         
Friskop S, Julesburg Col.     Roth N C, Chappel.            
Frohm J F, Lodge Pole.        Roudebush J H, Julesburg Col. 
Froid A F, Froid.             Roydolasky J, Big Spring.     
Fry Joseph, Chappell.         Rubeling J H, Big Spring.     
Furgenson C W, Chappel.       Runyen D, froid.              
Furgueson J, Big Spring.      Rush J B, Big Spring.         
Gango H, Big Spring.          Sadler W T, Chappell.         
Ganson Frank, Lodge Pole.     Sadof John, Chappell.         
Garrick John H, Oshkosh.      Salesbury Samuel, Chappell.   
Garrick W F, Oshkosh.         Sandall John G, Froid.        
Gates L F, Froid.             Sapp Hiram, Froid.            
Gates W S, Froid.             Saulter Herman, Froid.        
Gehrke Aug, Big Spring.       Scanlon John, Lodge Pole.     
German W H, Chappell.         Schlater Benj C, Chappell.    
Getsinger F. Lodge Pole.      Schlater Joseph, Chappell.    
Gibson Jas T, Lewellen.       Schlater Wm, Alliance.        
Gibson Septimus, Chappell.    Schmidt W, Julesburg Col.     
Gieger Peter, Chappell.       Scott G T, Lewellen.          
Gilliard G W, Big Spring.     Scripter M R, Lewellen.       
Gladden H R, Big Spring.      Seberger Peter, Chappell.     
Glass M H, Froid.             Seip James G, Chappel.        
Glesson Lewis, Chappell.      Selmer H L, Chappell.         
Goodman Saml, Chappell.       Shannon N, Chappell.          
Gorman A S, Lewellen.         Sharpe B, Julesburg Col.      
Gowan E S, Lewellen.          Sharpe W W, Julesburg Col.    
Gowen L W, Froid.             Sherman E C, Froid.           
Gral R E, Lewellen.           Sherman John, Froid.          
Granger H F, Oshkosh.         Shirley E L, Julesburg Col.   
Granger R 0, Oshkosh.         Shirley Geo, Julesburg Col.   
Graves Chas W, Hutchinson.    Shoesmith T sr, Chappell.     
Gray Jas, Big Spring.         Shoesmith T R, Chappell.      
Green J M, Chappell.          Sholbray C F, Froid.          
Green N H, Lewellen.          Shrodder H, Big Spring.       
Greger F, Big Spring.         Shurp L H, Julesburg Col.     
Greive Wm. Big Spring.        Siegner Chas, Lodge Pole.     
Gunn A E, Chappell.           Siegler W H, Chappell.        
Gunnell C E, Big Spring.      Simpson G M, Froid.           
Gunnell O, Big ring.          Skelienger J W, Big Spring.   
Gurney D M, Big Spring.       Slater N J, Froid.            
Gustafson A G, Chappell.      Slattings H H, Chappell.      
Gustafson P D, Julesburg Col. Slatery John, Chappell.       
Gyger J C, Chappell.          Slesser David, Oshkosh.       
Gyger Jackson, Chappell.      Smith Arthur, Lewellen.       
Hackney L W, Big Spring.      Smith E A, Chappell.          
Hafstrand S, Chappell.        Smith Frank, Oshkosh.         
Hagstrom C A, Chappell.       Smith G M, Chappell.          
Hains Gabriel, Julesburg Col. Smith G P, Chappell.          
Hamilton E D, Chappell.       Smith Harry, Lewellen.        
Hamilton J W, Big pring.      Smith J B, Big Spring.        
Hannah David, Lodge Pole.     Smith L, Chappell.            
Hannah Wm, Lodge Pole.        Smith L P, Bingham.           
Hanson Hans, Chappell.        Smith W D, Chappell.          
Hardy Herb, Julesburg Col.    Smith Wm, Lodge Pole.         
Harness Jno, Oshkosh.         Snell Thomas, Oshkosh.        
Hart John, Big Spring.        Snider G W, Chappell.         
Hartford Peter, Lodge Pole.   Soetens J H, Chappell.        
Hartman Ed, Ramsey.           Sorensen C A, Julesburg Col.  
Hartman H S, Hartman.         Sorenson Christ, Chappell.    
Hartman S R, Hartman.         Sours Jack, Lodge Pole.       
Harvey Orrin, Chappell.       Spafford L, Julesburg Col.    
Hatterman A, Big Spring.      Spann H G, Chappell.          
Hayes Thos, Julesburg Col.    Spencer M, Chappell.          
Head J W jr, Chappell.        Sphelsen S, Julesburg Col.    
Head J W sr, Chappell.        Spillman Henry, Froid.        
Heffner F M, Froid.           Spohn Wm, Oshkosh.            
Helm L S Jr, Oshkosh.         Sporer George, Chappell.      
Helm Wm M, Alliance.          Stafford W F, Big Spring.     
Henderson Jno, Oshkosh.       Starks F W, Chappell.         
Henderson Jno M, Oshkosh.     Starks L M, Chappell.         
Henderson Lee, Oshkosh.       Starks S W, Chappell.         
Henderson M H, Big Spring.    Starkweather G W, Lewellen.   
Hennessy Pat, Chappell.       Stenvall John, Big Spring.    
Herbert Thos, Lodge Pole.     Stevens Susan E, Oshkosh.     
Herman D M, Alliance.         Steward John, Big Spring.     
Herman H G, Bingham.          Stewart A T, Chappell.        
Herman I W, Bingham.          Stewart J H, Big Spring.      
Herman V, Oshkosh.            Stinepson A B, Lodge Pole.    
Herrell M, Chappell.          Stonecipher E, Julesburg Col. 
Herrington Ed, Chappell.      Stout James, Froid.           
Hibbs George, Froid.          Strever Wm, Chappell.         
Hickey Daniel jr, Lodge Pole  Strong S, Lodge Pole.         
Hickey Daniel sr, Lodge Pole. Stutsman A B, Oshkosh.        
Hills Charles, Bingham.       Stutsman C T, Oshkosh.        
Hinchman J B, Julesburg Col.  Stutts Isaac, Oshkosh.        
Hinshaw John, Chappell.       Stutzman A, Chappell.         
Hoagland Frank, Big Spring.   Stutzman A sr, Chappell.      
Hoagland Fred, Big Spring.    Stutzman Adam, Chappell.      
Hoaglund I, Julesburg Col.    Stutzman A M, Chappell.       
Hoaglund W M, Chappell.       Stutzman D A, Chappell.       
Hoefer A, Julesburg, Col.     Stutzman David, Chappell.     
Hofrichter J, Julesburg Col.  Stutzman J G, Chappell.       
Hofrichter M, Julesburg Col.  Stutzman John J, Chappell.    
Holdin O N, Chappell.         Stutzman Michael, Chappell.   
Holland Chas E, Chappell.     Stutzman Peter, Chappell.     
Hollister O S, Lewellen.      Stutzman W J, Chappell.       
Homer Able, Big Spring.       Sudman August, Chappell.      
Hoover B G, Big Spring.       Sudman Fred, Chappell.        
Houser Issac, Chappell.       Sughue Daniel, Chappell.      
Howitt John, Chappell.        Sughrue M, Chappell.          
Hoyleman J J, Lewellen.       Sult Ellen, Oshkosh.          
Hubble W H, Alliance.         Sukraw Peter, Big Spring.     
Hudson Hosea, Chappell.       Sutter Christ, Chappell.      
Huff Ed, Lodge Pole.          Sutter Peter, Chappell.       
Huffaker John, Lodge Pole.    Swan J W, Julesburg Col.      
Huffaker I W, Lodge Pole,     Swanson A J, Chappell.        
Hufnagle A J, Big Spring.     Swanson Alfred, Froid.        

Hulse G W, Chappell.          Swanson C A, Lewellen.        
Hunt I F, Chappell.           Swanson C J, Chappell.        
Hunter Alex, Chappell.        Swanson C M, Froid.           
Hunter Geo R, Chappell.       Swanson Henry, Froid.         
Hunter Wm, Chappell.          Swanson John, Chappell.       
Hutchinson O W, Ramsay.       Swanson Paul, Froid.          
Ingle John, Julesburg Col.    Sweeney Alb D, Big Spring.    
Irey H M, Chappell.           Swartzfager H, Lodge Pole.    
Isenberger F, Lodge Pole.     Taudy G W, Big Spring.        
Jackett H R, Lewellen.        Taylor Robt, Big Spring.      
Jacobson A, Froid.            Tegar Roll, Chappell.         
Jackson Olaf, Chappell.       Thatcher Frank, Chappell.     
Jackson Urman, Chappell.      Thatcher H C, Chappell.       
Jay Ell, Julesburg Col.       Thatcher W C, Chappell.       
Jensen C, Oshkosh.            Thompson C, Lodge Pole.       
Jensen Jens, Chappell.        Thompson G E, Big Spring.     
Jensen J P, Oshkosh.          Thompson James, Chappell.     
Jensen P, Julesburg Col.      Thorell Aug, Froid.           
Jewell E, Lodge Pole.         Tiekan John, Chappell.        
Jenkins T W, Julesburg Col.   Totton Jacob, Chappell.       

Johnson A, Julesburg Col.     Traver C H, Bingham.          
Johnson B, Julesburg Col.     Twifford John T, Oshkosh.     
Johnson C A, Julesburg Col.   Twiss Fred, Froid.            
Johnson C J, Froid.           Twiss U, Froid.               
Johnson E, Big Spring.        Usher John A, Oshkosh.        
Johnson F, Big Spring.        Vance L C, Big Spring.        
Johnson F O, Froid.           Vance Roscoe, Ramsay.         
Johnson H E, Big Spring.      Van Marter S, Ramsay.         
Johnson H L, Big Spring.      Van Newkirk John, Ramsay.     
Johnson J C, Chappell.        Vaughn Benjamin, Chappell.    
Johnson Jens, Froid.          Vintor R J, Big Spring.       
Johnson J G, Froid.           Wahl Gotfried, Chappell.      
Johnson John, Froid.          Walkr A, Chappell.            
Johnson John R, Big Spring.   Wallace W B, Alliance.        
Johnson L P, Julesburg Col.   Walrath A J, Julesburg Col.   
Johnson M S, Chappell.        Walsh Thomas, Big Spring.     
Johnson Nis, Chappell.        Walters W F, Big Spring.      
Johnson P E, Froid..          Warren George, Big Spring.    
Johnson Peter, Chappell.      Waterman W W, Big Spring.     
Johnson Siner, Big Spring.    Werth W, Julesburg Col.       
Johnson Swan, Chappell.       Werty B D K, Chappell.        
Johnson S P, Julesburg Col.   Wetherwax C M, Chappell.      
Jones C G, Chappell.          Wetherwax J H, Chappell.      
Jones E E, Chappell.          White Charles, Big Spring.    
Jones Floyd, Oshkosh.         White John N, Chappell.       
Jones John, Chappell.         White W, Ramsey.              
Jones W D, Chappell.          Wiegand G H, Chappell.        
Julian Thomas, Oshkosh.       Wilbur JS, Big Spring.        
Juratska Frank, Chappell.     Wilcox A B, Chappell.         
Jurgensen C, Julesburg Col.   Wilcox A P, Chappell.         
Kalb C, Julesburg Col.        Wilcox H B, Oshkosh.          
Kalb G, Julesburg Col.        Wilcox Wm, Chappell.          
Kallsen H, Big Spring.        Williams Fred E, Lewellen.    
Keller J A, Lodge Pole.       Williams H C, Ramsay.         
Kelley W B, Lodge Pole.       Williams S H, Froid.          
Kerkman H, Big Spring.        Wilson Geo H, Lewellen..      
Kiddo Wm, Chappell.           Wilson Granville G, Lewellen. 
Kieser Wm, Froid.             Wilson James, Lewellen.       
Kihue H, Big Spring.          Wilson R R, Lewellen.         
Kiley John C, Chappell.       Wintener J H, Ramsay.         
Kiley John sr, Chappell.      Winther Peter, Froid.         
Kiley Wm, Chappell.           Wirt D B, Froid.              
Kimbel I H, Oshkosh.          Wisdom J H, Chappell.         
King Alfred W, Lodge Pole.    Withes A J, Lodge Pole.       
King Fred, Lodge Pole.        Wood James C, Lewellen.       
King G H, Big Spring.         Wolf H D, Chappell.           
King John, Lodge Pole.        Woolf Isaac, Chappell.        
Kingery A S, Oshkosh.         Woolman G B, Julesburg Col.   
Kinney John, Chappel.         Woolman Ray, Julesburg Col.   
Kinsman G S, Big Spring.      Yeast Perry E, Bingham.       
   Kline J N, Lewellen.          Zimmer Chas, Chappell.           
Kline Wm P, Lewellen.         Zimmerman A, Big Spring.      
Kusser W A, Julesburg Col.    Zimmerman Ad, Big Spring.     
Kunth Henry, Lodge Pole.      Zorn Phillip, Oshkosh.        
Koepke John, Lodge Pole.                                    
Kromrie Aug, Lodge Pole.                                    
Krause H, Big Spring.                                       
Krouse Ernest, Chappell.                                    
Kunkel W A, Julesburg Col.                                  

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