NEGenWeb Project - Cass County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940



G. H. Gilmore

Cass                                                               Who's Who

park bd; mbr election bd 1932; past mbr BPOE; MWA; FOE; Amer Leg; Orthodox Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, beautifying surroundings; res 441 Main, Plattsmouth.

   CORUM, GLENN M: Superintendent of Schools; b Mt Moriah, Mo Sept 22, 1894; s of Carl W Corum-Lilly ______; ed William Jewell Coll, Liberty Mo; Ottawa Kas U; Maryville Mo Tchrs Coll 2 years; Hastings Coll; PSTC; BA; m Elsie Sarven Aug 3, 1918 Mt Moriah Mo; d Betty Ann; treas, managing com dist 2, Neb HS Activities Assn, secy-treas music contest 1939; mbr del assembly; former VP BSA, Nebraska City dist; past pres comml section, NSTA conv, dist 2; 1919 started teaching Fullerton HS, prin 1924-28; Mar 1929- supt Louisville pub sch; during World War served 20 mos in inf band; past comm Amer Leg Post 353; AF&AM, C of C, Bapt Ch; res Louisville.

   DAVIS, J HOWARD: Attorney; b Milligan, Neb Sept 3, 1904; s of John P Davis-Bertha A Alexander; ed Geneva; Neb Wes, BA 1927; Delta Omega Phi; m Marcia L Parker Aug 19, 1930 Lincoln; d Carol Ruth; on farm with father as boy; while in coll worked in Citizens State Bank; bus mgr coll annual sr year; 1927-28 with Wurlitzer Music Co, Los Angeles; later with Security Trust & Savings Bank, Glendale Cal; 1928-29 traveling representative Burger Baird Engraving Co, Kansas City Mo; 1929-31 asst cash, Plattsmouth State Bank; 1931 pur half int Duxbury Ins Agcy; 1929 began study of law; 1934 adm to bar; 1935-city atty; AF&AM; pres C of C; Rotary; 2nd Judicial Bar Assn; Cass Co & Neb St Bar Assns; Cass Co Assn of Neb Coun of Chris Edn, pres; First Meth Ch, SS supt 7 years; Dem, chmn Plattsmouth Cen Com; hobby, young people's work; off Rawls Bldg; res 1004 Main, Plattsmouth.

   DAVIS, SEARL S: Investment Agent; b Cass Co Neb, June 10, 1887; s of Stephen Meek Davis-Mary Minford; Ed Lincoln HS 1905; U of N 1909, grad work U of Chicago; U of Wis, BA 1909; m Leila Corbin Sept 29, 1917 Dayton O; s Stephen Meek, Corbin James; d Elizabeth; 1909-10 did extn work for U of N; 1910-17 instr in rhetoric U of N; 1917-22 farmer and livestock raiser; 1922- in loan & investment bus; past mbr city coun; 1924-27 pres sch bd; cb mbr and first pres Rotary; past pres C of C; ARC; past pres U of N Alumni Assn; AF&AM; Scot Rite, Lincoln, 33°; Neb Real Est Dirs Assn; Chris Sci Ch; Rep; pct chmn; past secy Co Central Com; 4 min man during World War; selected alumni orator U of N class of 1909 on its 20th anniversary; hobbies, walking, reading; res 604 N 5th Plattsmouth.

   DAY, EVERETT E: Retired; b Lorraine Co, O Nov 3, 1850; s of William Day-Augusta Burrell; ed Tabor, Ia; Oberlin O Coll; m Jennie N Norton Dec 15, 1881 South Bend; s Harold E, Seward P; d Mabel (Mrs O M Card), Margaret (Mrs John Robinson), Elizabeth (Mrs G O Corley), Augusta (Mrs D H Switzer), Helen (Mrs A J Selby), 1871-79 farmed with father in Ohio; 1880-81 with day & Needles Impl Co, Atlantic Ia; 1881-86 in grain & gen mdse bus, South Bend; 1886-88 in gen mdse & grain bus, Wabash; 1888-1918 grain bus in Walton, Eagle, Wabash, Weeping Water & Avoca; 1881-1925 livestock raiser & opr of dairy, Weeping Water; 1888-1925 owner, opr gen mdse bus Weeping Water; introduced first herds of Herford & Jersey cattle in Cass Co, also Poland China hogs; winner of high awards at world fairs, various state fairs; mbr acad bd, Weeping Water; past pres Cass Co Fair Assn; retired since 1925; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, livestock, blooded animals; res Weeping Water.

   DEVOE, LOWELL S: Superintendent of Schools: b Lebanon, Neb Sept 29, 1896; s of Walter Devoe-Eva Stephens; ed Lebanon HS; U of N; KSTC; BA 1923, MA 1927; Pi Kappa Phi, Phi Delta Kappa; m Florence Holland Aug 24, 1921 Lincoln; s Lowell S jr; d Marjorie A; 1916-17 HS tchr Lebanon; 1917 HS tchr Stella; during World War 1918 in US army, 2nd lt US inf, Houghton Mich; 1921-24 supt schs Oxford Neb; 1924-27 supt schs Nelson; 1927-32 supt schs Geneva; 1932- supt of schs Plattsmouth; NSTA; Schoolmasters Club; Rotary; AF&AM; Amer Leg; Meth Ch; hobby, magic; off Plattsmouth HS; res 1010 No 11th, Plattsmouth.

   DOMINGO, FRANK J: Banker; b Weeping Water, Neb Oct 11, 1896; s of Jacob Domingo-Mary Anderson; ed Weeping Water HS 1915; m Mildred Noble June 27, 1931 Weeping Water; s John Jacob; d Mary Lea; after completing HS, emp 9 mos in US Natl Bk, Omaha; 1916- asst cash Neb State Bank, Weeping Water; mbr bd of edn Weeping Water; past mbr city coun; pres Cass Co Bankers Assn; Neb Bankers Assn; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Shrine; Congl Ch; res Weeping Water.

   DOODY, EMERY J: Deputy Sheriff; b St Onge, S D Dec 24, 1901; s of James Doody-Della Coyette; ed St Onge S D; m Esdin Furois Aug 5, 1925 Omaha; s Thomas E, James L; 1919-30 livestock buyer, farmer, St Onge; 1930-31 mgr feed yard Norfolk Packing Co; 1931-37 mgr Plattsmouth Feed Yard; 1937-38 All-in-one Mfg Co, Plattsmouth, Neb; 1939- dep sheriff Cass Co; Cath Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting, firearms; off Courthouse, Plattsmouth; res 211 So 5th, Plattsmouth.

   DOUGLAS, GEORGE G: Physician & Surgeon; b Clayton, Ill June 30, 1863; s of William S Douglas-Emma McMurry; ed Maryville Mo rural sch; Amity Coll Ia; Tarkio Mo Coll; Stanberry Normal; Mo Med Coll 1891; worked on farm until 1884; m Mattie M Hylton June 20, 1894 Elmwood; d Ellen Marie; sch tchr 4 years prior to entering Mo Med Coll; 1904-18 prac med Cortland; 1918- prac med Elmwood; examining surg in Cass Co for bur of pensions US dept of interior; Cass Co Pension bd; Cass Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; AF&AM; res Elmwood.

   DUXBURY, AUBREY H: County Judge; b Stanberry, Mo Nov 4, 1896; s of Franklin P Duxbury-Mollie Blue; ed Plattsmouth; law study, Plattsmouth; m Rose Mae Creamer Apr 8, 1922 Plattsmouth; s Richard Marion; d Dorothea Mae; during HS worked for H M Soennichsen, also after graduation; 1916-18 steno, studied law with A L Tidd, Plattsmouth; 1920 adm to Neb bar, ptr A L Tidd; 1921-24 cy clk, prac law; 1925- Cass Co Judge, youngest in state at time elected; VP Neb Co Judge's Assn; Amer Leg, org Hugh J Kearns post 56, comm, service ofcr several years; Rotary, past pres; C of C; AF&AM, past master; high priest RAM, past comm Mt Zion comm; OES, past patron; 2nd Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; YMCA, Omaha; chmn Cass Co ch Home Service ARC; 2 years pres Cass Co Assn of Neb Coun of Chris Edn; Natl Sojourners Soc, Omaha; during World War enl USN, sta Harvard U, studied radio, hon disch Jan 1919; First Meth Ch, 9 years SS supt, 4 years pres bd of stewards, past pres Young Men's Bible Class; Rep; hobby, motion picture photography; off Courthouse; res 1210 1st Ave. Plattsmouth.

   DWYER, D O: Attorney; b Hillsdale, Mich Nov 5, 1865; s of Dennis Dwyer-Mary ___; ed HS 1881-84; Northern U, Valparaiso Ind BSc 1888; m Leila Thomas Apr 26, 1893 (dec Sept 15, 1922); s Harry K, Howard A; d Lillian Margaret; m Willie Williams Jan 3, 1927 Chicago; 1884 sch tchr Medina Mich; 1885 sch tchr Canandaigua Mich; 1886 & 1889 sch tchr in Cass Co; studied law while tching, adm to bar Plattsmouth June 1889; 1889 sch tchr Union; 1890- prac law Plattsmouth, Dwyer, Walling & Livingston; 1894 opened own law off; 1934 head of legal dept of Lincoln div HOLC; Mrs Dwyer also atty, with husband as Dwyer & Dwyer; mbr Cass Co legal draft bd during World War; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; 1908-13 mbr bd trustees St Sch for Deaf, Omaha; mbr db St Sch for Blind, Nebraska City; Dem; res Plattsmouth.

   EGENBERGER, EMMA BAUER: Insurance & Real Estate Agent; b Plattsmouth, Neb Mar 3, 1889; d of John Bauer-Louise Guenther; ed Plattsmouth; Grand Island Bus Coll; m L W Egenberger July 4, 1914 Plattsmouth; 1908-12 bkkpr for father in hdw; 1912-19 bkkpr for father , plumbing, heating & auto bus; 1917- opr ins bus; 1919-31 in ptrship with brother in father's bus, John Bauer & Co; 1931- opr real est bus, only lic woman real est dlr in co; 1938 secy-treas Cass Co Dem Cen Com, now Dem Committeewoman 1st ward, Plattsmouth; active in local Girl Scouts 1937-39; accredited judge of artristic arrangement by Natl Federated Garden Clubs; OES, Home ch; past VP, past treas corresponding secy Plattsmouth Woman's Club; chmn Plattsmouth div Women's Field Army, Amer Soc for Control of Cancer; secy Louis & Clark Delphians; Plattsmouth Garden Club; Golf Club; Cass Co Hist Soc; St Paul's Evang Ch; hobby, gardening; off Bekins Bldg; res 637 Vine, Plattsmouth.

   EVERS, WILLIAM F: Superintendent Masonic Home; b Plattsmouth, Neb May 6, 1894; s of Peter Evers-Mary Ohlenhausen; ed Plattsmouth; m Pearl Schwenneker June 5, 1913 Plattsmouth; s William E, Raymond F; d Mary Vesta; 1909-14 emp in coach construction CB&Q RR Plattsmouth 1914-15 owner-opr truck farm Amite La; 1915-17 with various construction cos, Plattsmouth; 1917-20 ptr of A Baxter Smith in construction bus, Plattsmouth; 1920- supt

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Masonic Home, Plattsmouth; during World War mbr HG; hon mbr Natl Sojourners & Heroes of `76; AF&AM; past master; RAM, past high priest; KT, past comm; OES, past patron; Sesostris Shrine; pres Masonic Home Execs Assn of US 1939; hobby, woodworking pieces of historic value; res Neb Masonic Home, Plattsmouth.

   FARLEY, GEORGE LORD: County Commissioner; b Weeping Water, Neb June 3, 1866; s of Henry Woods Farley-Sarah Elizabeth Chamberlain; ed Weeping Water Acad; m Mary A H Baird Jan 19, 1904 Plattsmouth; d Edith Maria, Helen Louise; tcher Cass Co 5 years; 1894-1900 co supt of schs; 1900-08 edit & pub Plattsmouth Evening News & semi-weekly News Herald; 1908-16 real est & ins agt; 1916-20 Cass Co assessor; 1920-24 co commr; 1921-28 dep treas;1928-32 co commr; 1932-36 in furn bus; 1937- Cass Co Commr; one of earliest pioneers Cass Co, 72 years res; MWA; Rotary; C of C; First Presby Ch, mbr 45 years, SS supt 18 years, past treas, trustee, now elder; res 523 3rd Ave, Plattsmouth.

   FROLICH, ANDREW K: Superintendent Cement Firm; b Kristiansand, Norway Mar 5, 1887; s of Johan K Frolich ________; ed Kristiansand HS; Technical Acad, Ilmenau Germany, EE; Cor-Normania frat; m Louise Sedleg Mar 1, 1919 Kristiansand; d Louise Augusta; registered electrician & mechanical engineer in Neb; first emp as asst operating engineer Norway; supt Marriott Seligman plant Libau Russia; asst supt Portland Cement Co; 1924 came to US; chief draftsman Ash Grove Cement Co, Chanute Kas; sent to Louisville Neb, supt in chg layout & construction; now supt Ash Grove Lime & Portland Cement Co; Lincoln Engineers Club, Neb Engineering Soc, Amer Concrete Inst; C of C; chmn ARC; res Louisville.

   GAYER, HARRISON LAFAYETTE: Stock Farmer; b Franklinton, La Feb 5, 1891; s of Adolph Gayer-Amanda T Magee; ed Lincoln HS; U of N, BA 1917; Alpha Sigma Phi; Phi Alpha Delta (legal); m Helen Marie Humpe Oct 2, 1918 Lincoln; s John Harrison, William Louis; d Mary Helen, Alice Elizabeth; 1917-19 in US army, O/S in first Amer advance Cantigny, capt inf in France; recd citation from Gen Pershing; 1919- stock farmer; 1930- secy Farmers Co-op Creamery; 1934- owner opr rock quarry Cass Co; 1935- fieldman S Omaha Production Credit Assn, Plattsmouth; 1927-33 pres sch bd; 1934 chmn Cass Co Roosevelt Boosters Club; chmn agrl com Cass Co King Korn Karnival, also first King of King Korn Karnival, mbr since org; past master AF&AM, past high priest Neb ch RAM, past comm Mt Zion Comm; past patron Home Ch OES; past comm post 56 Amer Leg; Presby Ch, trustee; Dem; hobbies, reading, outdoor sports, cattle feeding; res RFD 1, Plattsmouth.

   GILMORE, GEORGE HARRISON: Physician & Surgeon; b Cass Co, Neb territory Aug 20, 1866; s of John Gilmore-Nancy Helen Massie; ed PSTC 1890; Rush Med Coll, MD 1895; m Bessie Walker Oct 30, 1901 Murray; s James Walker (dec), Dr John E; d Helen (dec); 1890-91 sch tchr dist 14 Bismarck twp, Platte Co; 1895-1936 prac med Murray; 1900-10 local reporter Omaha World Herald; 1910 became interested in archeology, with Dr T P Livingston discovered house ruin of prehistoric man in old steamboat town of Rock Bluffs; 1911 discovered prehistoric village of 9 houses in Rock Bluffs cemetery excavated by William D Strong of Smithsonian Institution; since 1911 has made many discoveries along Weeping Water & Mo river in Cass Co; 1932 discovered Turtle Mound S of Rock Bluffs; 1933 discovered earth lodge village N of St Helena, Cedar Co, one of houses reconstructed as in prehistoric days, relics placed properly; excavated two house sites near Table Rock, Pawnee Co, for U of N same year; made several discoveries near mouth White River in SD; 1935 with Earl H Bell, U of N, excavated Behrnes site near Nehawka; 1936 contributed sec to Chapters in Neb Archeology by Dr Earl H Bell; 1938 opened burial mounds of prehistoric man near Nehawka, discovered skeletons of ancient people; int in genealogy, mbr & contributor to Neb St Hist Soc; AF&AM, KT; past comm Amer Leg Post 157; Cass Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; Soc of Amer Arch; NS&D of Neb; press Cass Co Hist Soc; during World War, enl in US army Aug5, 1918 in comm of part of 2nd & all 3rd batt as med ofcr AEF, capt at time of disch; now lt col in Res Corps; Presby Ch; hobbies, pioneer hist, archeology; res Murray.

   GRAVES, CHARLES L: Police Judge & JP; b Mills Co. Ia Nov 23, 1861; s of William W Graves-Mahala _____; ed Cass Co; Rock Bluffs; m Alice G Graves Dec 18, 1867 Plattsmouth (dec 1912); s Harry E; d Verna L (Mrs Harry D Royal), Leola A (Mrs Michael A Derieg); 1883-84 sch tchr Rock Bluffs; 1884-86 Rock Bluffs PM; 1885-86 ent law off Beeson & Sullivan, adm to bar Plattsmouth; 1887 sch tchr Rock Bluffs & Eight Mile Grove dist, Cass Co; 1888-90 prac law, Kearney; 1890-1928 prac law, Union; 1890-1917 owner, pub Union Ledger; 1891-94 Union PM; 1912-16 chmn sch bd Union; 1892-1930 Union & Plattsmouth notary public; 1890-1926 mbr Union band; 1890-1910 mbr Union baseball team, one game umpired by US Sen Bert Hitchcock; played with Rock Bluffs vs Tabor Ia, defeating team of which US Sen E J Burkett was mbr; 1928 opened law off Plattsmouth, ret same yr; 1928 apptd to fill unexpired term of police judge, Plattsmouth; re-elec each term, still serving; SA; Rep; hobby, hist; off City Hall; res 425 Ave A, Plattsmouth.

   GRIFFIN, GUY G: Theater Owner; b Defiance, Ia Dec 30, 1886; s of Emmet A Griffin-Nancy Tilton; ed Oakland; Bancroft HS 1904; m Eunice E Allen Dec 22, 1909 Sioux City Ia; d Geraldine Grace (Mrs Howard Hirz), June E; 1904-07 bkkpr Citizens Bank, Bancroft; 1907-16 asst cash, later cash Rosalie State Bank; 1916-22 Thurston Co treas, Pender; 1922-26 Thurston Co Clk; 1926-28 owner, mgr apts, Omaha; 1928 built Ritz theater, still opr; 1937- opr Cass theater; chmn Pender city bd 6 years, bd mbr 10 years; MWA; C of C; Rep; hobbies, driving, reading; off Cass Theater; res 533 Ave A, Plattsmouth.

   HEINEMAN, PAUL T: Dentist; b Columbus, Neb Aug 16, 1898; s of Henry W Heineman-Sophie Bode; ed Columbus; Doane Coll; Creighton U, DDS 1923; Xi Psi Phi; m Lorene Dempster July 27, 1924 Geneva; d Margaret; 1923- dentist, Plattsmouth; 1933-35 sch bd, chmn 1936; past mbr exec bd BSA coun, Plattsmouth; dir C of C; ch mbr Amer Leg, Columbus; Plattsmouth Amer Leg; past pres, past secy Rotary; AF&AM; past high priest RAM; Neb St &ADA; during World War, 1918 in US army OTC Crete, 1st lt CWS reserve; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, photography; off 621 Main; res 523 N 6th , Plattsmouth.

   HINDS, OSCAR COLLINS: Banker; b David City, Neb Nov 14, 1888; s of Thomas J Hinds-Nellie Hurt; ed David City HS; m Elsie Howser Aug 10, 1908 Columbus; s Harold H; d June Margaret (Mrs J A Elgaard), Evelyn May (Mrs W C Long), Mary Elizabeth; 1908-13 mgr groc dept Tony Ptacek Dept Store, David City; 1913-22 farmed indep, Garrison; 1922-26 asst cash Butler Co State Bank, David City; 1926- cash First Natl Bank, Weeping Water; 1914-22 dir rural dist sch, Butler Co; 1927-36 pres Weeping Water sch bd; 1936-38 Weeping Water Mayor; past mbr C of C, David City; mbr Lions; AF&AM & RAM, David City; OES; past mbr KP; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off First Natl Bank; res Randolph & P, Weeping Water.

   HOBSON, RICHMOND P: Funeral Director; b Eagle, Neb, Oct 6, 1907; s of W L Hobson-Mable Alice On; ed Weeping Water; Weeping Water HS 1925; U of N; Cincinnati Coll of Embalming; m Mary L Clark Sept 1, 1935 Weeping Water; d Mary Susan; father estab funeral dir off 1905; 1938 succeeded father; past noble grand IOOF; past master AF&AM; Scot Rite, Lincoln; Neb & Natl Funeral Dirs Assns; Cong Ch; res Weeping Water.

   HOLMES, JAMES WEBSTER: Insurance Agent; b near Rock Bluffs, Neb, Mar 24, 1872; s of Archie M Holmes-Martha Swain; ed Rock Creek Sch; Plattsmouth HS; Weeping Water Acad; m Annette Shera Jan 5, 1898, Rock Bluffs; s Ralph Shera; 1893-99 farmed; 1895-96 tchr in Cass Co; 1897-98 farmed in Cass Co; 1899-1913 in gen mdse bus Murray; 1914-16 ins, real est & auto bus, Murray; 1917-22 ins, real est bus,Plattsmouth; 1923-35 Plattsmouth PM; 1936- ins agt & farming bus, Plattsmouth; past mbr sch bd Rock Creek, Rock Bluffs & Murray; HG sgt during World War; past exalted ruler & secy BPOE; C of C; Plattsmouth Golf Club; Presby Ch; Rep; past mbr Natl, State & Co PMs Assns; hobbies, travel & golf; res 705 Ave B, Plattsmouth.

   HUDSON, ORVILLE CLAIR: Physician & Surgeon; b Plattsmouth, Neb Jan 15, 1903; s of Oliver C Hudson-Dollie M Reynolds; ed Plattsmouth; Amer Sch of Osteopathy Kirksville Mo DO 1925; Atlas Club; Psi Sigma Alpha (hon); m Marie Irene Judson June 7, 1936 Omaha; s Bryce Allen; d Jeanne Ellen, Shirley Ann, Joyce Kay; 1925-26 prac med Albion; 1926- prac med Plattsmouth; 1928-32 Cass Co phys, also city phys Plattsmouth; HS athletic physician several years;

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AF&AM; MWA; Rotary; past mbr C of C; Plattsmouth Golf Club; Neb & Amer Osteopathic Assns; 1938 mbr Cass Co Rep Central Committee; Presby Ch; hobbies, theater, hunting; off 118 N 6th; res 906 Ave D, Plattsmouth.

   JONES, GUY; Elevator & Store Manager; b Palmyra, Neb Dec 12, 1892; s of L E Jones-Lillian McNaughton; ed Palmyra HS; m Tressa Klietsch Apr 11, 1925 Omaha; s Jack; 1913-17 mgr clothing store, Palmyra; 1921-30 mgr Farmers Union, Palmyra; 1930-32 mgr Ford Agcy, Talmage; 1932- mgr Farmers Elevator, Eagle; played semi pro baseball several years; mbr town bd since 1933, mayor of Eagle since 1935, mbr sch bd since 1934; dir Talmage C of C 1930-32; SE Neb Rural Electrification Dist, dir; 1936 2nd VP Neb Grain Dlrs Assn; during World War, army arty park ammunition train, AEF, O/S July 1918- July 1919, sgt disch July 23, 1919; Amer Leg post 139, 1st comm 1919; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, athletics; father (dec) farmed in Otoe Co 40 years, chmn E Neb Grain Dlrs Assn; res Eagle.

   JONES, OLIVE: Librarian; Feb 25, 1884 first plans made at home of Miss Jones by 35 mbrs Young Ladies Reading Room Assn for circulating library; Miss Jones, Miss May Cranmer, Miss Sue Sampson org assn with latter as chmn of initial meeting; Miss Kate Dorrington was pres, Miss Sampson VP & Miss Jones secy; first library books pur with money earned giving entertainments; in 1900 on 15th anniversary of library, it moved into new quarters across street from pres location; 1915 present Carnegie library dedicated; library at one time was 3rd largest in state & had larger per capita circulation than any other mbr of Amer Lib Assn; first library bd composed of D B Smith pres, Mrs Lillian Parmele VP, Mrs Gertrude Kerney secy, Miss Margaret O'Rourke treas, D O Dwyer, Byron Clark, B S Ramsey mbrs; Miss Jones has been librarian since 1885; Miss Verna Leonard asst librarian since 1922; hobby, books; off pub library; res Plattsmouth.

   KIECK, LORA LLOYD: County School Superintendent; b Murray, Neb July 1, 1901; d of John William Lloyd-Lissia Hinton; ed Nehawka; U of N; Omaha U; Creighton U; Alpha Xi Delta; m William K Kieck June 25, 1924 Council Bluffs; s William Robert; d Marilyn Jean; 1922-28 tchr Plattsmouth; 1928-37 ret from tching; 1937-39 tchr Plattsmouth sch; 1939- Cass Co supt of schs; OES; Ch F, PEO; Amer Leg Aux, Hugh Kearns post; Woman's Club; Garden Club; Delphians; NSTA; Non-partisan; Meth Ch; hobbies, doll, stamp & cacti collections; off Courthouse; res 412 So 12th, Plattsmouth.

   KNORR, ROY W; Merchant; b Clay Co, Neb Oct 20, 1888; s of Jonathon Knorr-America E Eller; ed Hastings HS; Grand Island Coll; Hastings Bus & Comml Coll; m Clara M Panzer June 3, 1914 Hastings; s Roy W Jr; d Mary Jean; 1910 owner, opr Knorr Oil Burner Co, Hastings; 1910-13 mgr hdw dept Stein Bros Co, Hastings; 1913-15 head floor salesman McGrath Hdw Co, Hastings; 1915- opr Knorr's Five to Dollar Store, Plattsmouth; 1922-27 ptr Ashland Variety Store; 1927-37 owner Knorr's Wive [sic] to Dollar Store, Villisca Ia; 1936- owner Plattsmouth Ladies Toggery; served two consecutive terms Plattsmouth city coun; 1930- VP, mbr Plattsmouth sch bd; past pres Business Men's Ad Club; VP Rotary; dir C of C; gen chmn Korn Klub; trustee First Presby Ch; AF&AM; RAM; KT; OES; Golf Club; hobbies, outdoor sports, golf; off 511 Main; res 909 Main, Plattsmouth.

   KUNKEL, DR LLOYD N: Physician & Surgeon; b Oregon, Mo Nov 14, 1897; s of Bernard N Kunkel-Ona B Crowell; ed Dorchester; Neb Wes; U of Colo 1925-26; Omaha U 1926-27; U of N 1927-31, BSc, MD; Phi Beta Pi; m Dorothy G Holman Apr 11, 1930 Rising City; d Caroline B, Dorothy Ann; 1916-17 with NNG on Mexican border; 1917-18 in US army O/S, 127th field arty band musician 1st class, 1919-25 dir 157th inf bandColo NG; 1931-32 interne Evang Covenant hosp Omaha; 1932- prac med Weeping Water; 1936-37 Weeping Water health ofcr; dir city band, Weeping Water Little Symphony Orchestra; author of The Archeology of Weeping Water Valley; Cass Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Cass Co & Neb St Hist Socs; Amer Soc for Archeology; pres Lions 1939-40; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, archeology, music, stamp collecting, violin making, photography; res Weeping Water.

   LANDON, EMMETT A: Manager Elevator; b Jewell Co, Kas Dec 23, 1877; s of George W Landon-Laura C Colman; ed Cass Co 1894; m Lula Coleman June 25,1902 Greenwood; s Wayne E; 1894-1901 farmed with father in Cass Co; 1902-06 farmed in Saunders Co; 1906-23 farmed home place in Cass Co; 1923-25 farmed near Greenwood; 1925- mgr Farmers Elev, Greenwood; past mayor of Greenwood 2 years, also 1938-; mbr sch bd past 12 years Greenwood; past mbr sch bd 15 years dist 81; AF&AM 163, past master 3 years; Scot Rite; OES 303, worthy patron, past worthy patron at Ashland; Rep, pct chmn; hobbies, hunting, baseball; res Greenwood.

   LARSON, RAYMOND JENNINGS: Acting Postmaster; b Plattsmouth, Neb July 16, 1897; s of L G Larson-Christina L Anderson; ed Plattsmouth; m Hettie Wheeldon May 24, 1924 Atlantic Ia; s Lars M, Raymond J Jr; 1916-17 Plattsmouth P O clk; during World War 1917-19 in US army O/S, inf machine gun co, trained Camp Cody, N M; Co A 11th machine gun batt 4th div with army of occupation; 1919-20 asst cash Hinds State Bank, Odell; 1920-38 Plattsmouth P O clk; 1938- acting P M; 1928- scoutmaster, Plattsmouth; 1928- capt of inf; US ROA; helped org Plattsmouth Tennis Club, pres; treas Trans-Miss Philatelic Soc; past comm Amer Leg, Hugh J Kearns post; AF&AM; RAM; Mt Zion Comm KT; hobby, tennis; res 224 So 12th, Plattsmouth.

   LEDGWAY, CLARENCE E: District Court Clerk; b Plattsmouth Neb Nov 2, 1894; s of John Ledgway-Julia Schmidtmann; ed Plattsmouth; 1910-18 machinist & clk CB&Q RR; 1918-19 musician in USN great Lakes Ill; 1919-21 naval reserve; 1919-22 with CB&Q RR, Plattsmouth; 1922-24 with Sharp Mfg Co, Plattsmouth; 1924-25 clk in off of co treas, co assessor, co clk; 1925-31 dep clk dist court; 1931- clk dist court Cass Co; C of C; AF&AM; life mbr Natl Rifle Assn; Hugh J Kerns post Amer Leg; Amer Leg post 1 band, Omaha; Prot; Rep; hobbies, music, rifle, shotgun shooting; fishing, gunsmithing; res 412 So 1st, Plattsmouth.

   LISTON, O E: Physician & Surgeon; b Gunn City, Mo April 15, 1883; s of Isaac M Liston-Sarah E Cummins; ed Kansas City; Lane Kas, Med Coll; Ottawa Kas U; U of Kansas City, MD; m Mary Hazel Himes June 27, 1910 Kansas City;; s James, Howard; d Margaret; 1910-prac med Elmwood; 1918 enl in army, Camp Greenleaf, Fort Oglethorp Ga; 1st lt Med OTC; 1919 disch; pres sch bd 18 years; former mbr town bd; Amer Leg, Frisbee-Eiden Millen post; Cass Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; hobbies, reading, travel; res Elmwood.

   LUSHINSKY, GEORGE: Mayor; b Breslau, Germany Dec 11, 1868; s of Anton Lushinsky-Pauline Schubert; ed Breslau; Cannon Burgess Priv Sch, Plattsmouth; m Nettie Moore Oct 28, 1930 [sic] Plattsmouth; s Otto John; d Edna (Mrs Ralph Mullis), Mollie Grace (Mrs Ed Rice), Ruth (Mrs George Knox); 1884-86 emp Julius Pepperberg Cigar Factory, Plattsmouth; 1886-91 emp in CB&Q coach shop Plattsmouth; 1891-92 painter, decorator UP RR, Omaha; 1892-1901 asst foreman coach shop Colo-Midland RR, Colorado Springs; 1901-02 asst coach foreman CS RR, Denver; 1902-38 foreman coach shops, CB&Q RR, Plattsmouth; 1938- ret; 1911-18, 1926-34 mbr city coun, pres 4 terms; 1934- Plattsmouth mayor; AF&AM; KT; RAM; C of C; past mbr BPOE; past mbr MWA & AOUW; during World War, 4 min man, coun of defense; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, reading; res 410 2nd Ave, Plattsmouth.

   McCLUSKY, HARRY GARFIELD: Clergyman; b Boonville, N Y July 4, 1880; s of Eli McClusky-Helen Wiggins; ed Park Coll, Parkville Mo; Princeton Seminary, N J; Hastings Coll, BA, DD; m Margaret Hughes July 2, 1907 Burrton Kas; d Catherine; 1907 came to Laurel from Princeton; 1914- pastor First Presby Ch, Plattsmouth Mar 5, 1939 observed 25th anniversary Plattsmouth pastorate; past pres Rotary; C of C; AF&AM; KT; lib bd; Golf Club; mod Niobrara & Nebraska City Presbyteries, vice moderator Presby of Neb; res 323 s 7th, Plattsmouth.

   McCLUSKY, MRS MARGARET HUGHES: Teacher; b Ebensburg, Penn Feb 3, 1880; d of John I Hughes-Hannah E Jones; ed HS; Park Coll Acad; Park Coll, LB 1904; Lucerne Literary Club; Fine Arts Club; m Harry G McClusky July 2, 1907 Burrton Kas; d Catherine Agnes (Mrs Roy E Butler); 1904-07 sch tchr Presby Mission Sch, Grassy Cove Tenn; resided in Laurel until 1914; 1914- res of Plattsmouth; Plattsmouth Woman's Club; OES active ch worker, particularly with young people; past secy of religious edn; past treas Niobrara Presbyterial Soc; 1914-20 secy literature missionary edn in Neb Synod Soc; serving 4th year as treas Nebraska City Presbyterial Soc; past pres Ch FPEO; worker in SS, Westminster

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