Named for James G Blaine (1830-1893), an American Statesman. 
Established 5 March 1885. 

1905 -1906, Volume 1.

All the bits-of-news you might have missed . . . since 1905!
Donna (Collier) Dietrich, Editor, reporter, and copy person.
Patricia C. Ash, printer's devil. 

 Mamie Osborne Collier Article Collection .


Roy Atkisson was a guest at the Oldham House last night.

Mrs. John Barton is on the sick list.

R. B. Beauchamp of Dunning was over from that city a few hours yesterday.

Jos. Hollopeter of the “wild and wooly” Calamus country, was in town on business Sat.

Owing to the cold and storm the Almeria mail did not return yesterday consequently we have no news letter from Pleasant Valley.


Lee Cox is at present very sick with Typhoid Fever.

George Sawyer enjoyed a visit last week from his father, B. S. Sawyer, a prominent horse breeder who a operator on a ranch near Brewster.

James Corner and family of Greeley arrived Sat. with their household goods and stock, and will live on the Lucy Martin Section eight miles southwest of town.

James D. Gage was over from Dunning Tuesday and bought two teams of mares from Judge Turner, with which to work his ranch formerly owned by Wm. Ross.  R. B. Beachamp and John Kugler accompanied Mr. Gage.

L. C. Hannah of Greencastle, Missouria (sic) is here looking after his property interests and seems pleased with his investments in Blaine County. 

C. E. VanNest was assessing the Sandy Ridge people during the week, and in the meantime Mrs. Van visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Scott in Edith Valley, leaving Paul to shift for himself.

“Uncle Neddie” McCormick of Hawley Flatts has been quite sick the past week, and last Friday was suffering so severely that Dr. C. B. W. Cox was called to attend him.

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jackson of Purdum were in town, last Saturday, on business pertaining to a real estate deal.  Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gould of Gouldville, the other interested parties in the transaction accompanied them.

A girl baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Einspahr,  May 15, at their home in German Valley.

Mr. Hannah owns the I. S. Dodds farm east of town, farmed this season by T. Frank White.

S. H. Oldham accompanied by Miss Persis Calkins of ILL., a niece of Mrs. Oldham, was down from Purdum Tues on business.

Hugh Ferguson and George Willinson are working at the Sandall ranch.

Mrs. S. E. Hanna returned Wed. morning from Merna where she met the Stork at the home of her son John and the family is now blessed with four boys.

Mrs. L. H. Harris of Council Bluffs is the guest of her daughter Mrs. Fred Field of Dunning.

Jim Oldham and Hal Copp departed for Grand Island Thursday morning, looking for “jobs”.

G. G. Cooper was in town from Cooper Post office in the southeastern part of the county Saturday.

Fred Dunn and family have returned from Hyannis to Dunning.  Fred expects to help build the railroad between that place and Sargent.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Parker and daughter Miss Lottie, of Fairmount, MO, are the guests of their daughter and sister Mrs. F. T. Miner, near Dunning.

A. L. Mattson and J. H. Teaford were among those from Purdum Visiting in Brewster Tuesday.

Tom Bowers of Ainsworth is moving several of the Dr. Cox buildings onto the doctors ranch south of town.

Harvey Miller and Alfred Simpson, two of Sandy Ridge’s prominent farmers, were in town on business Weds.

The families of J. C. Way of Hawley and A. D. Griffith from Edith Valley are represented by several pupils from each attending the city school.

Ben Baker and Hal Copp started for Comstock and Ord Saturday each on horse back.

Died: The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cox at Purdum, Wed., at Broken Bow.  The little girl was about five months old and had not been well any of the time since her birth.


Wedding bells were chiming in sweet strains last Sunday morning from the residence of John W. Brown east of town.  The occasion was the wedding. (Article seems to be incomplete.)

Miss Lillie Gibson returned yesterday from Custer County for a few days visit with her parents.

Mrs. Charles W. Nix on Wild Horse Flatts died Wednesday and will be buried today in the Dunning Cemetery.  Rev. Lamm will conduct the funeral.

A deal was made Wed. whereby W. H. Jones comes in possession of the Parson Livery barn and J. D. Gage, the Lumber Yard.  Mrs. Jones has decided to remain among us and is preparing to run a first class livery.  We did not learn what Mr. Parsons is going to do.

Charles Zachery returned from Dunning last Friday evening with his cattle, mules and colts he had up there on his summer range.

S. E. Hanna of Dunning was a business caller in town Monday.

Mrs. Annie Thomas and little sister were down from Giles Tues.

W. H. Hyatt of Almeria brought the first watermelons to the market, last Sat.

  Married:  E. H. Riggs of Brewster and Miss Gertrude Yost.

Louis Fisher of Dunning is attending to some well-work in the vicinity of Edith Valley.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strong of Almeria were the guests of C. J. Fletcher and wife Sat. and Sun.

James R. Loughran and daughters Misses Lizzie and Kate were in town from New Helena, attending the A. O. U. W. picnic Sat.

Jack Robbinault of Purdum is enjoying a visit from his brother Robt. of Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Golson visited at the George Abbott home in Loup County the first of the week.  

The contract for the new bank has been let to W. H. Jones.  The location selected is on the North side of the street just west of the Rankin & Riggs Store, the safe and vault, fixtures arrived a few days ago and Mr. Southwick is expected tomorrow to commence business, having secured temporary quarters in the office at the Gage Lumber Yard.

A Boy baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton southwest of Dunning Tuesday.

F. W. Spencer has a fine crop of apples on his young orchard this season.

Mrs. H. H. Copp and Miss Jessie Cox were the guests of Mrs. H. O. Bakker Sun.

Miss Minnie Griffith of Edith is assisting Mrs. A. F. Carlson with her household work at present.

A phone has been installed at the Waters ranch east of town.

H. L. Hullett, formerly of Cairo, has filed on a homestead in Edith.

A Boy baby of regulation size was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Miller, April 19, at their home on Hawley Flatts.  


C. E. VanNeste has accepted a position as clerk with E. H. Riggs.

Ben Baker, Scott Turner and Hal Copp are at Halsey working at the Forest Reserve.

   Married:  by Rev. Evans, April 25th, at Taylor, Edith Waters and Harry Spencer.

R. B. Beauchamp was over from Dunning Saturday to attend the A. O. U. W. lodge.

Robert Mandeville came in from the “Dusky Heights” ranch and spent Sunday in the city.

J. T. Imlay was in town from Purdum Sat. and reports his flock of sheep doing well.

Mrs. P. S. Waters went to Aurora, Sunday where she will remain for sometime the guest of relatives, the lady was accompanied by Mr. Englen who last week visited the Waters.

Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Oldham accompanied by Miss Persis Calkins, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Teaford, were in town Thurs. on their way to Ord for a ten days visit with realtives. (sic)

Mrs. Otto Wendt and two children arrived last Fri. for a visit with relatives in German Valley.

Thurman A. Smith, of Brewster will be one of the Pioneer staff on the Logan County Pioneer paper.

Carpenters are busy on a new frame house for Mr. Zimerman on the farm he bought of Rush Miner, recently.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones died Wed.

A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT.  George Niel Erickson Meets Awful Death.  Nov. 21, 1906, George Erickson, son of P. C. Erickson of Brewster, was drowned in Oak Creek Mill near Dannebrog at 5 p.m. and the body was not recovered until two hours later.  He was 15 years of age, a student at Dannebrog public school.  He was skating on the ice alone.  His cap was found on the ice where he went through.

 Owing to the death and burial of George Niel, son of the News editor, this weeks issue is two day late.  Your kind forbearance is asked.

Five new gas lamps have been installed in W. H. Riggs’ general store.

Mrs. Laura Miner of Dunning is the guest of Brewster friends, she will remain until next Monday.

   Mr. Clem Cleson of Green City, Missouri, arrived in Brewster yesterday and today procured a license of Judge Turner to marry Miss Nettie Hannah.

As we go to press Mrs. Christian Schipporeit is reported very low, relatives have been telegraphed for and the lady’s departure from this world is hourly looked for.

Mrs. A. J. Robbinault and little son of Pritchard are in the Valley, the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.Golson.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Turnbull is reported sick.

Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Owings of Dunning were calling on Brewster friends Tues.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Riggs accompanied by Miss Virgie returned home Wed. from their trip east.

Laura, Dollie and Joe Pritchard were down from Pritchard and spent Sunday with the Dr. Cox family.

Dick Roberts of Aurora is here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Scott.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schmeltzer and son Chauncey arrived this week from Manteno, Ill. And will remain several days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. VanNests.  The lady is Mr. Van Neste’s sister.

Daniel Strohl will sell at public sale: Milch cows, Oct 1.

P. Wilsons new frame house on his claim Northwest of town was entirely destroyed by fire last Friday.

   Invitations are out to a reception at the home of Miller Heller
in honor of their daughters marriage.

Rush Miner exhibited on the streets Wed. a sample of field corn that is very hard to 
beat in any country for size of ears and firmness in quality.

G. H. Worth and son were in town from Ferguson Tuesday.

R. D. Miner of Dunning had business at the county seat Monday.

Gene Schuler and Otto Strand of Goose Creek visited Brewster Wednesday.

E. H. Riggs is at Dunning this week attending to business matters at that end of the line.

J. J. Manderville of “Dusky Heights” ranch near Dunning was in town during the week transacting business with the County Treasurer.

“Herb” Smith, the Midvale postmaster and all-around man, and Rube Kolb the champion violinist of the Calamus region, made this city a short call last Sat.

Miss Fay Abbott and her sister, Mrs. Chas, Swanson, went to Valparaiso on Monday to attend the wedding of their brother, A. C. Abbott.

Misses Lizzie and Nellie Worth, Ethel Strohl and Anna Moninger of Loup county spent Sunday afternoon at the Smith home in Pleasant Valley.

C. L. Hodgeman drove the Brewster-Dunning mail Wednesday.

Gene Schuler was down from Goose Creek Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Esther Turner spent several days recently with her parents on Hawley Flatts.

Mrs. C. E. VanNeste and Mrs Mary J. Irwin were the guests of friends in Pleasant Valley today.

B. F. Parks of Dunning delivered the Memorial Day address at Brewster.

Charlie Riggs and Hal Copp were over from Dunning to Attend Memorial Days exercises in their home town.

S. A. Light brought the mail in on horseback Monday evening, having wrecked his buggy out in the sandhills several miles.

Purdum was represented in town on Memoiral (sic) Day by S. H. Teaford, Joe Pritchard and sisters.

J. C. Golson of Pleasant Valley was in the city Monday, the first time for several weeks owing to severe illness.

Prof. Wilkinson completed his work in Brewster this week.  The gentleman had
a large class of music scholars here who have made rapid progress under his instruction.

The good news comes over the wire that Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Evans of Taylor are the happy parents of twin boys, born May 31st.


Geo. W. Abbott of Loup County dipped his herd of horses last Thursday at the Valley Dipping Vat.

E. A. Sandall and H. R. Ferguson took loads of hogs to Dunning last week and brought back lumber that will be used in erecting a house on the former’s homestead west of the home ranch.  Hugh Ferguson will be the “boss” carpenter on the job.  

A 10-lb, girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fox on the 22nd.

H. C. Rainier and H. L. Hatfield are living off the fat of the land in the north-western part of the county these days, and putting in their leisure hours sinking wells and erecting windmill towers.

James Vinnedge and family started on Wednesday, via, the overland route, for some fertile valley in the shadow of the mountains in the golden west.

Hal Copp was the guest of his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Copp, several days last week.

Miss Emily Turner returned to her home on Hawley Flatts, after several months services at the Oldham House as dinning room girl.

Thomas Burke of Hawley Flatts, is in an Omaha hospital having his eyes treate

Gen. Gage has purchased the “Billy” Ross ranch and cattle. 

Per Anderson has sold his ranch and stock to S. L. Danner.

Those who went from here to spend the Fourth at Taylor were:  Messrs, Wm. Smith, George, John, Allen, Robert, and Hugh Ferguson.  Misses Efflyn Ferguson, Lida Golson and Ida Shamblin.

Jess Baker is carpentering on the new store at Elsmere.

Cox Brothers are building a new frame barn on their ranch

Dunning Doings:

Village Blacksmith Gibson is building an addition to his shop which will be used as a residence by his family.

F. E. Parks contemplates building a fine new house on his ranch west of the city.

Grant Turnbull the landlord of the Grant house has the material on the ground for an addition on his hotel and work will commence at once.

  Married:  Bert Gidding and Esther Turner

E. H. Riggs was a passenger on the stage to Dunning yesterday.

Hal Copp departed for Hyannis Monday, near which place he has a job, working in the hay fields.

John Oakman of Atlanta, Nebr. Was in this vicinity last Friday looking at some Blaine county real estate.

E. W. Rankin of Milburn accompanied by his nephew “Tommie” McMillan of Thedford were in the city on business Wed.

Papa Roy Atkisson is about the proudest man that walks. (Incomplete article)

Mrs. Mary Irwin is the guest of friends near Purdum.

Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Atkisson of Merna were guests at the Oldham House Monday evening.

We noticed the familiar face of Dr. A. B. Cox on the street yesterday.  The doctor has been very feeble the past few months, and this is one of the few times he has felt equal to the exertion of walking across the street.

A. J. Robbinault was down from Prichard Wed.

Mrs. V. E. Solomon of Elsmere was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Greer, while in the city on business the first of the week.

A. D. Griffith of Edith Valley went up to Hawley Flatts yesterday where he will shear sheep for the big sheep men of the locality.

Walter Hannah returned from Missouri Weds.

Mrs. Minnie Dunbar and children of Dry Valley were in town Monday exchanging produce for goods with our merchants.

Local & Otherwise:

J. T. Mackrill and W. M. Scott of Edith Valley were in town during the week and each purchased a Deere two row listed corn cultivator.

A fine boy baby has come to make his home with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fletcher.  He arrived on the morning of June 4th and has decided to claim their protection for at least twenty-one years, Charles has inquired of several “old ladies” about how soon the baby may be expected to say “papa” and has been seen looking over the “brownie overalls” to find a fit for his heir.

A. D. Griffith of Edith Valley was shearing the “town sheep” one day recently.

Miss Macie Shamblin of Edith Valley is assisting Mrs. Grace Harris with her work.

Mesdames Irwin and Erickson were the guests of Mrs. M. S. Miller of Hawley Flatts, Tues.

Grant Turnbull of Dunning accompanied by his brother Will of B. B. (Broken Bow) drove out to German Valley on business last Fri.

“Yes”, it’s a boy, and a mighty fine one too.”  He came to make glad the hearts of his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Copp on the morning of June 11th. 

B. S. Sawyer of western Loup County while in town the first of the week called at this office and informed us that he was a “double grandpa” now, as there was another son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Sawyer.

Mrs. Mary Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Spencer, Miss Mamie Waters and Frank White were entertained at the Spencer home Sunday.

F. W. Spencer accompanied by Mrs. Belle Clay and children went to Burwell last week, from which place Mrs. Clay took the train to her home at Wolbach.

Services held for Henrietta Schneidereit.

Baby02tA Girl baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Erickson, Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simpson were in town on business from Milburn Monday.

Adam Bashore has shipped in a number of Angora goats with which to start a stock on his ranch west of town.

All those indebted to W. W. Parsons at Dunning are requested to settle their accounts with him at once.  Mr. Parsons has disposed of his business and must have his books closed up.

Roy Hanna and John Kugler were over from Dunning Monday each after a load of oats from the Hannah place southeast of town.  The North Loup Valley is becoming an Egypt to some other parts of the county.

B. A. Brewster of Crawford spent Wed. in Town visiting friends and relatives.  Ben is an old resident of Brewster, son of G. W. who founded this town and has a host of friends in this county.

Miss Nettir (sic) Hannah arrived last week from Greencastle, Mo., and will be at home on the ranch in German Valley.

Fred Smith went to Aurora Saturday, where he expects to make a few dollars on the side husking corn.

A new frame school house is being built in Dist., #3, located on the old George Baker place in Sec. 15 and the contract was let to Jess Baker.

Harry Johnston has sold his farm near Hawley Flatts to J. A. Hediger.

D. L. Rodocker of Halsey was in town Friday night of last week on one of the “rounds” he frequently makes as a liveryman for his commercial customers.

W. A. Thompson is rearranging, improving and repairing the Dunning hotel, changing the size of some of the rooms.

Hugh Ferguson, Wm and Mark Smith took several loads of hogs to Dunning Monday for E. A. Sandall.

We understand that Chas. Jochem has returned to college, having recovered from his recent serious illness.

Edward Kaiser and sister Miss Lizzie of German Valley, returned Tuesday, from a short visit with friends at Kenesaw.  We asked Ed what the attraction was down there and from his answer and manner, we are led to believe that he will make the trip again – but he cautioned us not to mention this

Mrs. E. P. Dunn of Scotts Bluff County, is the guest of her son W. M. Dunn and family at Purdum.

Robison Brothers were over from Dunning and finished the well on J. W. Gardiners ranch just west of town.

Several of Dunnings citizens have been in town recently.  Among them we noted the familiar faces of W. H. Jones and Grant Turnbull the two best hotel men in town.  Then there was Fred Dunn, who expects to build the B & M. into Dunning this summer.

The blizzard of last week was something fierce at Purdum, the snow piling up to the depth of five and six feet, almost entirely blocading the highway.  Mesdames Irwin and Van Neste who were caught there by the storm did not get home until Sunday.

P. C. Erickson was at Dunning yesterday making some much needed changes in the telephone system at that place.  This left the print shop, bank and implement business in charge of the devils – who ran matters to suit themselves.  Print shop loafers, etc were nipped in the bud.

Mark Smith is hauling Oats from the Craven place for E. A. Sandall.  G. W. Craven and family vacate the “old home” Monday.  They go to Sargent we understand.

Harry Hendryx of Dunning was in town a few hours Monday.

P. C. Erickson has business at Dunning Tues, and Wed.

Mrs. C. W. Frans and children departed for their home in Otoe County last Thurs. Mrs. Yost accompanied them as far as Dunning.

Dr. C. B. W. Cox returned from Ainsworth yesterday where he had been to make arrangements with a house moving outfit to move some of his buildings here in town to his ranch five miles south.

Miss Lizzie Loughran of New Helena is the guest of Mrs. H. O. Baker.

  Married:  John Owings and Miss Lucy Martin, Aug. 16, at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Martin.

Baby02uA bouncing boy baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Robison Monday
     at Dunning.

"A baby is God's opinion that life should go on."  Carl Sandburg (1878-1967)
And so it has - - as today's researchers look for their family history among the early pioneers of Blaine County, Nebraska.
CHEERS for our ancestors - - and for our descendants!

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Blaine NEGenWeb - - 2002 - - Patricia C. Ash 
Updated 2020 By David Gochenour