The New York Children

The New York Children
Extracted by the Nebraska State Historical Society
The Hebron Journal
January 9, 1890, page 2, col. 5

"According to announcement, Mr. B.W. Tice, agent Children's Aid Society of New York, arrived today with twenty boys and two girls. They were taken to J.E. Thomas' restaurant, and given dinner, after which they went to the Christian Church. The church was full of people, eager to see the children. After singing several selections, and remarks by B. Tice and E.M. Correll, the selection of children was made by those who had filed applications with the committee. There was not a dull apathetic boy in the lot. All were bright and self reliant, and the most of them had good faces . The greatest contest was for the possession of a sweet-faced, modest girl of fourteen. There were as many as a dozen that wanted her. Chance favored Mrs. Bradford, of Carleton.

"Following were the selections made:
E.T. Armstrong, boy named Walter Toy, aged 19; J.W. Lamm, John G. Fisher, aged 15; C.J. Deming, Ernest Kroel, aged 8 years; J.A. Kenney, Willie Chester, aged 15; G.M. Hauck, Thomas Thompson, aged 14 years; H.L. Albright , G.W. Chester, aged 12 years; J.M. Bennett, the colored boy; Frank Parks, Hiram Brink, aged 11 years; Noah Eby, Charles Squires, aged 16 years; R.H. Clafflin, Bloominton Wood; H.Kiser, Frank Hill, aged 15; Mrs. M.J. Belts, Martin J. Rodgers; J. L. Currier, Gotthardt Borgardt, aged 16; Julius Thomas, Eddie Chester, aged 8; G.T. Pratt, Folke Keniskey, aged 11 years; Mrs. W.S. Bradford, Maggie Brillingmaier, aged 14 years; Mr. L. Eckis, Louisa Sims, aged 8 years.

"There were three others overlooked in the distribution, but Mr. Tice will probably have no difficulty in finding them homes."

Extracted by Nebraska Historical Society
From the Schuyler Quill
February 25, 1898
Page 3, col. 3

"The sixteen orphan children brought here last week to secure homes have all been disposed of and we must say that they were well placed. There were fourteen boys and two girls, ranging in age from seven to sixteen years, the nationalities being American, Irish, Italian, and German. B.Mick took Harry Norris, C.C. Cannon took Fulton Shamburger, George Thrush took Elmer Daily, Edward DeBower took Willie Townssend, Charles Metzger took George and Will Coleman, Frank Sorrick took James Corin, W.G. Holbrook took John Fortutunado, Carl Wittenberg took Willie Harding , J.P. McCullough took Frank Harding, J.C. McKenzie took John Smith, M. R. Galbraith took John Howe, and Euguene Cason secured a boy whose name we did not learn, while the last boy who was here several days and not located was sent to Wahoo on Thursday morning where he has a home. The two girls go over into Platte county just west of Shell Creek precinct and Rev. Miller and Mrs. Gaerte took them. These children, who have been mostly collected in New York City where they were homeless, were first taken to orphan homes and there educated somewhat and cared for. They come here not only well dressed and clean, but are nice looking and intelligent children. We do not refer to them as unfortunate children, as they are not. All these children secured good homes and they average better homes than our Colfax county children who live with their parents here. Why, some of these children are taken not only by wealthy people who have no children of their own, but are placed with people who are among our very best citizens. The work of placing the children was under the charge of Superintendent Tice, who seems to be a proper man for the work. He had as a local committee to assist him a number of our best citizens and they all did their work conscientiously and well. Superintendent Tice is on a trip yesterday and today to visit the homes of these children place and he makes an inspection which counts. When one considers the present condition of these children and then reflects on what it would have been if left to grow up in ignorance, poverty , and vice in New York City he cannot endorse the good work too highly. The work is an excellent one and thousands of homeless children are thus placed in the way to make good men and women. Superintendent Tice leaves tomorrow for another lot and will place them in the vicinity of North Bend. He can rest assured of his excellent work in Colfax county."

From Daily Independent,
Grand Island Nebraska
Friday, May 17, 1912

"Where and How 56 Babies Found Mothers and Fathers"

"A sight rarely witnessed, took place at the Union Pacific station yesterday afternoon, when the special coach with babies aboard and with the proper attendants of nurses and sisters arrived. Fifty-six of the little ones, two sisters and five nurses, were in the party which occupied one coach, as it left New York City, en route to the stretch of country, between Omaha and Grand Island, where these infants were to be given in the care of good people who had arranged to provide for them and make men and women of them . The scene showing the anxious men and women who had 'ordered' a baby and eager to cuddle the little tot in their arms, was in a way, a very touching one and then again, caused no end of merriment. It was 'baby day' at the station , if there is such an event, and a few hundred people witnessed the distribution, and many others would have been willing to have paid a price of admission to have seen it. Some of the women were so anxious to embrace the little ones that they attempted to get into the car, but this was not permitted, and they had to wait their turn, when their baby, properly tagged, was handed out. They were not all the same age, but were in the neighborhood of a year old. Then were left in Omaha, in Columbus 22, Fremont 2, Schuyler 2, Elkhorn 2; in Grand Island and vicinity two, in Kearney 6 and two at another point near here.

"A representative finds homes for the little tots in advance and the people who were here to receive them, agree to provide a home and take them as their own. Some ordered boys, other girls, some preferred light babies, others dark, and the orders were filled out properly and every new parent was delighted. Tey were very healthy tots and as pretty as anyone ever laid eyes on.

"These babies were sent from the New York Farming hospital, a Catholic Institution and the party was in charge of C.O'Hara, traveling agent. Mr. McFeeley of Omaha, found homes for the little ones and made arrangements some months ago with the new parents. The babies are trained to go to mothers and fathers and in no case yesterday was there any sign of discomfort shown in not going to the outstretched arms. An old couple, the man wearing a long full beard, was among the recipients and as a baby boy, about a year old was handed to him, the first baby talk heard was 'papa'.

It was reported that in the month of June, another coach load will be distributed in this part of the state. There is no secrecy about this good work, except that the names of the new parents are not given out, for the sake of the babies, who will grow up in Nebraska and make good men and women.

A picture in the Chicago Record-Herald of yesterday shows a picture of the car which was billed to Grand Island and mentions that some of the homes here will be happy."

Train Brings 18 Babies to Nebraska

Trainload of Thirty-Five Arrive in Omaha for Distribution in Three States
Four Mothers Wait
From The World-Herald
Omaha, Nebraska
December 15, 1921

"The population of Nebraska was increased yesterday by eighteen souls when the modern stork, train No. 13 of the Rock Island, pulled into the Union Station with thirty-five of the most wonderful babies imaginable. These tots, ranging in age from twelve months to 5 years, former wards of the New York Foundling Hospital and now daughters and sons of Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas folks, presented a picture of happiness and good nature away out of proportion to the tedious ride almost across the continent. Eighteen of these children will be adopted into Nebraska homes.
Four mothers were eagerly awaiting the arrival of their 'Christmas Presents' and as the time of arrival of the steel stork passed and the overdue minutes dragged into an hour these women, all of them mothers of children, grew impatient of the delay. When the car came to a stop these mothers rushed aboard and there, in a commonplace day coach, was witnessed an outpouring of such affection as only a mother can give.
"Men Show Joy: Men in the crowd stood back and husbands who had accompanied their wives to Omaha for the little ones stood around and reflected a portion of the joy radiating from the faces of their wives.
"Isn't that the greatest thing in the world," crooned one mother. "I didn't even name my own boy for his father and this new one comes already bearing that name. He is a perfect John, jr."

"Now my family is balanced," said another of the eager foster parents. "I had two girls and only one boy and now I have a perfect family. The children have been looking forward to the arrival of this young man as they have to Santa Claus".
"Pose for a picture?" asked one mother astonished. "Well, you just bet I will. I want this youngster to see the happiness on his mother's face when he grows up."
The car load of joy left New York four days ago and there were fifty-four youngsters aboard, all filling to the most minute detail, the requirements of the new parents. Ten were sent to St. Paul and four were allotted to North Dakota. Five were adopted in cities between New York and Chicago. Eleven will go to St. Louis and New Orleans and two will be sent into Kansas. Nebraska will take eighteen.
The trip is being made under the supervision of Charles P. O'Hara of the Foundling Home. Three nurses are aboard.
Mrs. Hoffman in the mother of a boy of 10 years and the adopted child in her arms is a boy of 12 months. Mrs. Mageius is the mother of three children, two girls and a boy. The adopted child is a boy of 18 months. Mrs Hrieger has three children of her own, a boy 13 and two girls 11 and 8. The new child is a boy. Mrs. Schmitt is the mother of a boy of 7 years. The child in her arms is her new daughter, 18 months old.
These four mothers were at the Union station long before the train bearing the tots arrived. Each declared that this Christmas would be the happiest on record for them now that there was another to share it. When the 'Stork Special' arrived the mothers rushed aboard and held out eager arms for the reception of the children from New York.
"Beats the stork all hollow," commented one of the proud fathers. "We asked for a boy of 18 months with brown hair and blue eyes and the bill was filled to the last specification. The young rascal even has my name tacked on to him."

Ad placed in Tecumseh NE, Chieftain, July 8, 1893

THE CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY HAS PROVIDED 2990 Childen With Homes, In Familes. All children received under the care of this Association are of SPECIAL PROMISE in intelligence and health, and are in age from one month to twelve years, and are sent FREE to those receiving them, on ninety days trial, UNLESS a special contract is otherwise made.
Homes are wanted for the following children: 8 BOYS: ages, 10, 6 and 4. Brothers, all fine, healthy, good looks. Of good parentage. Brothers, 6 and 4 years; English parents, blondes. Very pormising, 2 years old, blond fine looking, healthy American; has had his foot straightened. Walk now O.K. Six years old, dark hair and eyes good looking and intelligent, American.
10 BABES: Boys and girls from one month to three months. One boy baby has fine head and face, black eyes and hair, fat and pretty; three months old. Send two stamps.
General Superintendent.
Room 48,
280 LaSalle Street,


As announced in the county papers last week, there was a reception held at the court house in Osceola Tuesday for the several small children brought here by the Children's Aid Society of New York City. Seven children were brought, in charge of Alice A. Bogardus, of Lincoln, and at this time five of them have been placed and two have not.

The names, age and future home of the little tots are as follows:
Marie Davis, 2 1/2 years, with R. J. Stephenson, north of Gresham.
Lawrence Davis, 10, Whitman Olson, Osceola.
Harold Engert, 4, Chas. Coleberg, Osceola.
Fred Engert, 6, Arthur Swedeberg, near Clarks.
Catherine Phillips, 9, Harry McBeth, Osceola.
Isabella Phillips and Lester Davis have not been placed.

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